Disposal of waste
BBV contaminated waste must be regarded as a hazardous substance, unless rendered safe before disposal. Most waste of this type, depending on its origin, will be classified as 'clinical or infectious waste' and is subject to stringent controls.
The principles of waste segregation and its secure storage are applicable in most occupational settings where any significant amount of waste is generated. This will include material generated in, for example, the care of patients in the community. Waste of this nature is most likely to fall into Category B infectious waste, requiring labelling as UN3291 and packaging in bags/wheelie bins as per packaging instruction P650. Detailed guidance on management and handling of infectious healthcare waste is provided by Department of Health (HTM) 07-01.
Authoritative guidance on the definitions and safe management and disposal of healthcare waste is available from the DH web site at:
National Archives - Sustainable development - Waste[26]
A detailed summary of healthcare-related responsibilities is presented within the Health Technical Memorandum 07-01 (PDF) [27], and this includes consideration of health professionals working in the community. The Scottish Government provides detailed guidance on the safe management and disposal of clinical waste in the Scottish Infection Manual[28].
The safe disposal of all hazardous waste is part of the statutory duty of employers and the self-employed under the HSWA, COSHH and Hazardous Waste regulations made under the Environmental Protection Act.[29]