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RR999 - Evaluation of the use of the pushing and pulling operations risk assessment tool by dutyholders

This report describes the usability testing of a prototype tool for assessing the manual handling risks associated with tasks involving pushing or pulling of loads. It builds on earlier work by HSL to develop Pushing and Pulling Operations Assessment Charts (PPAC) (Research Report 998[12]). Feedback on the assessment of typical operations in the field indicated that the risk factors included in the tool are relevant, useful, relatively easy to identify and that they covered most of the conditions found in workplaces.

Duty holders who took part in the study were able to differentiate between categories of risk for most of the factors, they were also able to argue and justify their choices. The findings indicate that the tool is sufficiently usable and reliable, and it is useful for increasing duty holder confidence in assessing pushing and pulling operations.

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Updated 2021-04-26