Research Report Series: Reports 1001 - 1100
- RR1001 - Flammable mists from accidental hydrocarbon releases offshore[12] (2014)
- RR1002 - Review of standards for thermal protection PPE in the explosives industry[13]
- RR1003 - Further development of the Variable MAC (VMAC) tool[14]
- RR1004 - Factors in the design of order picking systems that influence manual handling practices[15]
- RR1005 - Work aggravated asthma: A review of reviews[16]
- RR1006 - Literature review: Barriers to the application of Ergonomics/Human Factors in engineering design[17]
- RR1007 - A review of the data on efficacy of hand cleaning products in industrial use as alternatives to hand washing [18]
- RR1008 - National survey of the burden of sickness absence in the waste and recycling industry[19]
- RR1010 - Standardisation of the measurement of capture efficiency of on-gun extraction for welding[20]
- RR1011 - Pilot project to research the need to update HSE on the occupational health risks in the woodworking industry[21]
- RR1012 - Process evaluation of the Long Latency Health Risks Division (LLHRD) vocational training interventions[22]
- RR1013 - Research to determine the incidence, prevalence and relative risk of ill health due to chemical exposure in the chemical and downstream oil industry sector[23]
- RR1014 - Reducing the risk of kick injury during the shackling and sticking of cattle in abattoirs[24]
- RR1015 - Assessment of the safety features of adapted plastic fuel container spouts[25]
- RR1016 - Insight into procurement of construction by private clients[26]
- RR1017 - Literature review: Understanding how to improve the management of exposure to wood dust amongst construction sub-contractors and manufacturing SMEs [27]
- RR1018 - Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) in the welding environment[28]
- RR1021 - The occupational hygiene implications of the use of diacetyl in the food flavouring and fragrance industries[29]
- RR1023 - Reliable corrosion inhibition in the oil and gas industry[30]
- RR1026 - Validation of the HSE manual handling assessment charts as predictors of work-related low back pain[31]
- RR1027 - Ventilation of vehicles used for carriage of acetylene[32]
- RR1028 - Further validation of the ACE instantaneous source model[33]
- RR1029 - Review of fit test pass criteria for Filtering Facepieces Class 3 (FFP3) respirators[34]
- RR1030 - Assessment of the arm locking systems of two-post vehicle lifts[35]
- RR1031 - An exploration of the current effectiveness of worker engagement practices in the quarry industry[36]
- RR1034 - Review of the event tree structure and ignition probabilities used in HSE's pipeline risk assessment code MISHAP[37]
- RR1035 - Update of pipeline failure rates for land use planning assessments[38]
- RR1036 - Rewriting the PIPIN code to use a Monte Carlo solution approach[39]
- RR1037 - Science updates to HSE's PIPeline INtegrity model (PIPIN)[40]
- RR1038 - Data updates to HSE's PIPeline INtegrity model (PIPIN)[41]
- RR1039 - Summary of the rewrite of HSE's PIPeline INtegrity (PIPIN) model[42]
- RR1040 Rewriting MISHAP: The development of MISHAP12[43]
- RR1041 - The influence of gypsum in animal slurry systems on the generation of hydrogen sulphide[44]
- RR1042 - Exposure to carcinogens in surface engineering: Supplementary report[45]
- RR1043 - Endotoxin in metal working fluid (MWF) mist[46]
- RR1044 - Consultation on monitoring of water-miscible metalworking fluid (MWF) mists[47]
- RR1045 - Development of a Health Risk Management Maturity Index (HeRMMIn) as a performance leading indicator within the construction industry[48]
- RR1046 - Corrosion and cleaning of offshore deluge systems[49]
- RR1047 - Injecting hydrogen into the gas network – a literature search[50]
- RR1051 - Assessment of design and leadership during legacy transformation of the Olympic Park following London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games[51]
- RR1052 - The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by Filtering Facepieces Class 3 (FFP3) and Half Masks[52]
- RR1053 - Development of an intervention toolbox for common health problems in the workplace [53]
- RR1054 - Evaluation of trends in RIDDOR reportable injury data reported to HSE by dutyholders pre- and post- change to over-7-day reporting[54]
- RR1055 - Modelling the economic impacts of an accident at major hazard sites[55]
- RR1056 - Critical analysis of safety related design of powered gates[56]
- RR1057 - Supervisor and team leader competence in roadside waste and recycling collection[57]
- RR1059 - A test method for assessing the performance of oil mist detectors[58]
- RR1060 - A critical review of evidence related to hand-arm vibration syndrome and the extent of exposure to vibration[59]
- RR1061 - Employers perceptions of the health and safety of young workers[60]
- RR1062 - Health and safety in schools - exploring the perceptions of HSE's communications to promote and support sensible risk management[61]
- RR1063 - Research to explore the effect of traditional farming Safety and Health Awareness Days (SHADs) on farmer behaviour[62]
- RR1064 - Investigation into exposure when the visor of air fed RPE is raised during spraying[63]
- RR1066 - The use and non-use of seat-belts in the operation of forward tipping dumpers[64]
- RR1067 - Case studies to demonstrate the practical application of the Leadership and Worker Involvement Toolkit (LWIT)[65]
- RR1068 - Summary of work undertaken to assess workplace exposure and control measures during the manufacture and handling of engineered nanomaterials[66]
- RR1069 - Establishing direct and contributory factors to the uncontrolled movement of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) during coupling and uncoupling[67]
- RR1072 - Investigations into the immediate and underlying causes of failures of offshore riser emergency shutdown valves[68]
- RR1073 - The provision of breathing gas to divers in emergency situations[69]
- RR1074 - Costs to Britain of Work-Related Cancer[70]
- RR1075 - Benefits of data management and data trending in the UK Continental Shelf oil and gas industry[71]
- RR1076 - Spontaneous ignition of gas turbine lubricants at temperatures below their standard auto-ignition temperatures [72]
- RR1077 - Safe storage of wood pellet and wood chip fuel[73]
- RR1078 - The use of vehicle structure in load securing on heavy goods vehicles[74]
- RR1079 - Access to and work on flatbed vehicles[75]
- RR1080 - A study of the generic safety-integrity requirements of fairground rides [76]
- RR1081 - Review of small wind turbine construction instructions and specifically for structural supports and foundations[77]
- RR1082 - The effectiveness of HSE's regulatory approach: The construction example[78]
- RR1083 - Risks to respiratory health in the grain industry[79]
- RR1084 - Forklift truck reverse sensor systems assessment[80]
- RR1085 - Exploring the human and physical factors associated with telescopic handler overturning risks[81]
- RR1086 - Noise risk as described in instructions supplied with printing machinery[82]
- RR1087 - Market surveillance of FFP3 disposable respirators[83]
- RR1088 - Multi-site delivery issues for heavy goods vehicles[84]
- RR1089 - Leadership and Worker Engagement in the Ports Industry[85]
- RR1090 - Mooring integrity for floating offshore installations joint industry project. Phase 2: summary[86]
- RR1091 - Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) inspection of long term mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[87]
- RR1092 - Practical method for calculating mooring chain wear for floating offshore installations. Mooring integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[88]
- RR1093 - An assessment of proof load effect on the fatigue life of offshore mooring chain for floating offshore installations. Mooring integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[89]
- RR1094 - Microbiologically influenced corrosion of mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[90]
- RR1095 - Guidelines for monitoring the service and behaviour of mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[91]
- RR1096 - The effect of wear and corrosion of steel components on the integrity of mooring systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[92]
- RR1097 - Mooring failure detection systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[93]
- RR1098 - Degradation of mooring chains of floating offshore installations: chain measurement, estimation of wear, corrosion rates, and their effect on break load. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2[94]
- RR1099 - Review of consequence model evaluation protocols for major hazards under the EU SAPHEDRA platform[95]
- RR1100 - Evaluation of the DRIFT gas dispersion model version 3.6.4[96]