RR1097 - Mooring failure detection systems for floating offshore installations. Mooring Integrity Joint Industry Project Phase 2
Mooring integrity for floating offshore installations is an important safety issue for the offshore oil and gas industry. This report is one outcome from Phase 2 of the Joint Industry Project on Mooring Integrity. This work ran from 2008 to 2012 and had 35 industry participants. It followed the Phase 1 work described in HSE Research Report RR444 (2006). The Phase 2 work compiled research on good practice and an overview is given in HSE Research Report RR1090 (2017).
Offshore mooring failure detection systems aim to provide real-time monitoring information in order to alert on-board personnel to mooring line failures. This report: summarises the regulations, guidance and standards on failure detection systems; system specification aspects identified by operators; systems being marketed; and systems being considered as potential developments. General system specification considerations include: identifying where failures can be detected; determination of alarm limits; and ensuring an effective user interface and sufficient user training. Specific technical considerations include tension monitoring and positioning system selection. Systems being marketed are grouped as: direct tension measurement; tension-angle measurement; tension-stress measurement; sonar; and visual.
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