RR842 - Identifying the incidence of electricity-related accidents in Great Britain - An update (1996/97 to 2008/09p
This report analyses RIDDOR based electricity-related accidents covering all industries and is intended to be an update (and standalone report) to the previous HSE research report 'Identifying the incidence of electricity-related accidents in Great Britain'.
Using certain selection criteria, the full RIDDOR database from 1996/97 to 2008/09p was searched to identify three categories of electricity accident:
- 'direct contact' with electricity;
- 'electrical based' accidents; and
- 'all related' accidents.
Analysis was carried out using RIDDOR fields such as 'HSE year', 'work process' and 'agent'. A number of findings were revealed, including electrical fitters (including electricians) reporting the greatest number of fatalities and non-fatal injuries, with many of the accidents related to contact with electricity (or electrical discharge). However, a number of other accidents were not related to direct contact with electricity, such as handling strains/sprains and high falls. It is proposed that the results of this report constitute an updated evidence base indicating possible priority areas for intervention by the HSE.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
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