Research Report Series: Reports 801 - 900
- RR801 - A study of the effect of modifying the European Standard mechanical slip resistance test for footwear[12] (2010)
- RR802 - Determining current health and safety practices, awareness of HSE initiatives and economic trends in relation to isocyanate paint use in the motor vehicle repair sector[13]
- RR803 - How best to communicate health and safety messages to young learners in vocational education and training[14]
- RR804 - Plastic containers for flammable liquids/hazardous areas[15]
- RR805 - The Great Britain Asbestos Survey 1971-2005[16]
- RR808 - Further development of a tool for the assessment of repetitive tasks (ART)[17]
- RR809 - Healthy workplaces Milton Keynes pilot : Evaluation findings[18]
- RR810 - Health surveillance - a time for change? Workshop proceedings 07/08 July 2009[19]
- RR811 - A literature review of the health and safety risks associated with major sporting events: Learning lessons for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games[20]
- RR812 - An investigation into the use of plasterboard manual handling aids in the GB construction industry and factors helping and hindering the practicability of their application[21]
- RR813 - Review of CHaSPI[22]
- RR814 - Evaluation of the simplified lifting operations and lifting equipment leaflet (LOLER)[23]
- RR815 - Second evaluation of guidance for directors and board members[24]
- RR816 - Director leadership behaviour research[25]
- RR817 - Circumstances under which government guidance impacts on the actions of directors of corporate bodies[26]
- RR818 - Follow up evaluation of HSE's web based Work-Related Violence Toolkit[27]
- RR819 - A small survey of exposure to rubber process dust, rubber fume and N-nitrosamines[28]
- RR820 - Tower crane incidents worldwide[29]
- RR821 - Gathering intelligence from referrals to HSL for hand-arm vibration syndrome[30]
- RR822 - Safety in the design, construction and use of bulk tipping containers[31]
- RR823 - Plant Ageing Study[32]
- RR824 - Assessment of inward leakage tests for air fed suits[33]
- RR825 - Testing of high flow rate respirable samplers to assess the technical feasibility of measuring 0.05 mg.m-3 respirable crystalline silica[34]
- RR826 - UK impact assessment of the proposed biocides regulation[35]
- RR827 - Health surveillance in silica exposed workers[36]
- RR828 - Occupational exposure to MbOCA (4,4'-methylene-bis-ortho-chloroaniline) and isocyanates in polyurethane manufacture[37]
- RR829 - Current control standards for tasks with high exposure to grain dust[38]
- RR830 - A study to investigate ways to reduce the dustiness of bakery ingredients and exposure to allergens[39]
- RR831 - Evaluation of tensioned and non-tensioned long tendon reinforcement in UK deep mining conditions[40]
- RR832 - An update of the literature on age and employment[41]
- RR833 - The joint effect of asbestos exposure and smoking on the risk of lung cancer mortality for asbestos workers (1971-2005)[42]
- RR834 - Preventing catastrophic events in construction[43]
- RR835 - Evaluation of safety nets by experiment[44]
- RR836 - Perception and understanding of how local exhaust ventilation (LEV) works and how effective it is: Phase 2[45]
- RR838 - A Risk assessment of manual handling involving variable loads and/or variable frequencies: Literature review and proposed V-MAC assessment tool [46]
- RR839 - A study of current working practices for refrigeration field service engineers [47]
- RR840 - Optimum test conditions and variability of otoacoustic emission testing in individuals with normal hearing[48]
- RR841 - Research to explore how medium sized organisations understand occupational health issues and manage health risks[49]
- RR842 - Identifying the incidence of electricity-related accidents in Great Britain - An update (1996/97 to 2008/09p)[50]
- RR843 - Achieving change using the supply chain model in construction[51]
- RR844 - An assessment of the level of compliance with the statutory duty to obtain insurance under the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969: Final Report[52]
- RR845 - Evaluation of Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007: Pilot study[53]
- RR846 - Research into the effectiveness of safety bar devices fitted to satellite arm bale wrapping machines[54]
- RR847 - Domestic carbon monoxide alarms: Long-term reliability and use scoping study[55]
- RR848 - Health and safety in public sector construction procurement - A follow-up study[56]
- RR849 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Predicting the future burden of occupational cancer - Methodology[57]
- RR850 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Bone cancer and thyroid cancer[58]
- RR851 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Cancer of the brain and central nervous system[59]
- RR852 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Breast cancer[60]
- RR853 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Cervical cancer[61]
- RR854 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Kidney cancer[62]
- RR855 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Cancer of the larynx[63]
- RR856 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Leukaemia[64]
- RR857 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Liver cancer[65]
- RR858 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Lung cancer[66]
- RR859 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Lymphohaematopoietic cancer[67]
- RR860 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Melanoma[68]
- RR861 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Mesothelioma[69]
- RR862 - Safe transport of roll cages[70]
- RR863 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Nasopharynx/Pharynx[71]
- RR864 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma[72]
- RR865 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Bladder cancer[73]
- RR866 - Influencing dutyholders behaviour regarding the management of noise risks[74]
- RR867 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Multiple myeloma[75]
- RR868 - Evaluation of EN 60745 test codes - BS EN 60745-2-6:2003+A2:2009 concerning the vibration of hand-held electric hammers[76]
- RR869 - Improving the diagnostic criteria for work-related upper limb disorders for use in prevention and patient care[77]
- RR870 - Good control practice for workers' exposure to gases in landfill - Sampling and measurement report[78]
- RR871 - Assessment of manual operations and emergency procedures for closed circuit rebreathers[79]
- RR872 - Identification of instrumented level detection and measurement systems used with Buncefield in-scope substances[80]
- RR873 - Beryllium: A review of the health effects and the evidence for screening or surveillance in workers exposed to beryllium[81]
- RR874 - Other respiratory diseases review[82]
- RR875 - Occupational eosinophilic cough conditions[83]
- RR876 - Mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain: The revised risk and two-stage clonal expansion models[84]
- RR877 - A commentary on routes to competence in the construction sector[85]
- RR878 - Levels of respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica at construction sites[86]
- RR879 - Evaluation of EN 60745 test codes: BS EN 60745-2-1 2003 (inc. amendment no 1) Particular requirements for drills and impact drills[87]
- RR880 - Development of a Web-based Leadership and Worker Engagement (LWE) Toolkit for small and medium enterprises in construction[88]
- RR881 - Investigation of the parameters that influence the effectiveness of a bench top partial enclosure[89]
- RR882 - Hazards arising from the conveyance and use of gas from Non-Conventional Sources (NCS)[90]
- RR883 - Vulnerability of oil contaminated fire retardant overalls[91]
- RR884 - Hand-arm vibration of horticultural machinery - Part 1[92]
- RR885 - Assessment of current guidance in relation to safe carriageway crossing (CIS53) on high speed roads[93]
- RR886 - Development of suitable safety performance indicators for level 4 bio-containment facilities: Phase 2[94]
- RR887 - Changes in Shift Work patterns over the last ten years (1999 to 2009)[95]
- RR888 - HSE/Ofgem: 10 year review of the Iron Mains Replacement Programme[96]
- RR889 - Investigation of slip resistance and the hygienic cleaning of floors in hospital settings[97]
- RR893 - Load security on rigid-sided lorries[98]
- RR894 - Hand-arm vibration of horticultural machinery - Part 2[99]
- RR895 - Development of the people first toolkit for construction small and medium sized enterprises[100]
- RR896 - Leadership and worker involvement on the Olympic Park[101]
- RR897 - The costs to Britain of workplace injuries and work-related ill health in 2006/07 - Workplace fatalities and self reports[102]
- RR898 - Identifying and describing databases relevant to health and safety at work [103]
- RR899 - High reliability organisations - A review of the literature[104]
- RR900 - Visualisation and control of solder fume exposure - A quantitative assessment of LEV effectiveness[105]