Supply project events
As an employer do you know all you need to know?
Bristol City Football Club, 17th November 2009
HSE is hosting a free event to promote the benefits of quality health surveillance in dealing with the ill health effects of noise and hand arm vibration (HAV) exposures and the contribution health surveillance can make to risk management.
Note: This event is now fully booked - additional interest will be held on a reserve list.
Who is the event for?
Employers for whom controlling risks of noise and/or hand arm vibration exposure is an issue.
It may be of particular interest to those people within an organisation with responsibility for contracting occupational health providers to deliver health surveillance such as HR departments as well as Health and Safety Managers or Site Service Managers.
Why would I need to know more?
There is a legal requirement for employers to have a suitable health surveillance programme in place for all employees at risk of developing ill health related to noise and HAV exposures. There are exposure action values within the Regulations that define when health surveillance needs to be in place. There is information to suggest that many employers with workers exposed above the action values do not provide health surveillance and those that do may not have the appropriate quality of service provision. This event aims to highlight the legal requirements and explore what an employer should be looking for from their health surveillance provider.
What can I expect?
This is an all day event with registration starting at 10:00 am and is expected to finish by 3:30 pm. The day will involve hearing the perspectives of various stakeholders in health surveillance programmes such as occupational health providers, an employer, employee representative and HSE on the essential requirements. The afternoon will involve small workshop groups in order to discuss experiences of best practice, problems and issues and investigate possible solutions.
It would be useful if you have any experiences to share or you may wish to come along and learn from others. HSE policy advisers and technical specialists will be on hand to answer your questions and give advice.
Please note numbers are limited and the last 2 events of this nature we ran were heavily oversubscribed.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Working together to reduce hand-arm vibration exposure
Outcomes from the HSE lead Intermediaries event held at Birmingham City Football Club on 16 October 2008
On 16 October 2008 HSE hosted an event at Birmingham City Football Club attended by 40 organisations representing employers, suppliers and occupational health professionals with the aim of improving the way service providers and employers work together to manage risks from hand-arm vibration.
HSE had 3 objectives:
- 1. To set out its view of the role those in the supply chain can play in helping employers manage the risk from hand-arm vibration.
- 2. To report its findings of inspections of suppliers and audit of health surveillance providers (for HAVS).
- 3. To facilitate enhancing the mutual understanding of their respective hand-arm vibration issues between manufacturers, suppliers, occupational health service providers, vibration specialist health & safety advisers and employers.
The workshops at the event proved to be very productive and the participants kindly agreed to our publishing the findings of the day and sharing some of the questions and answers to the issues that were raised:
- Controlling vibration.[61]
- Q & A on hand tools.[62]
- Q & A on using a vibration consultant.[63]
- Q & A on Health Surveillance.[64]