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Table 1: Alternative processes to avoid/reduce use of vibrating equipment

This table identifies alternative methods for specified high risk activities or processes; and links to further information and case studies.

Activity or process Alternative methods Further information (links)
Tunnelling by hand with clay spade or jigger pick. Mechanised tunnelling methods, to eliminate hand digging. This is expected for all but the smallest tunnelling jobs.

British Tunnelling Society, preparing a code of practice[61]

Tunnelling and Pipejacking: Guidance for Designers (PDF) [62]

Breaking concrete, asphalt, etc. with hand-operated breakers in ground work, road maintenance, etc.

Demolition of concrete/masonry using hand-held hammers/breakers

Plan construction work (eg casting-in ducts, detail box-outs) to minimise breaking through new concrete/masonry.

Use alternative method/equipment as appropriate:

  • machine-mounted hydraulic breakers

  • floor saws

  • directional drilling/pipe jacking to avoid trenching

  • hydraulic crushers

  • hydraulic bursters

  • diamond core drilling

  • diamond wire cutting

  • hydro-demolition (UHP water jetting)

Construction Industry Council guidance [63]

Mounted breaker [64]

Directional drilling[65]

Crushing concrete [66]

Bursting concrete [67]

Diamond wire cutting [68]

Water jetting[69]

Codes of Practice from the Water jetting Association [70]

Pile cropping using hand-held hammers/breakers

Pile cap removal using hand-operated breakers is not acceptable. Use alternative method as appropriate:

  • Elliott method
  • Recipieux method
  • suspended hydraulic pile cropper
  • the above alternatives to hand-operated breakers, especially machine-mounted breakers
  • design pile spacing and pile re-bar for mechanised cropping

Note: some dressing using hand-operated tools may still be required.

Pile cropping. A review of current practice (HSE Inspector information leaflet, Aug 02) (PDF) [71]

Scabbling using:

needle scalers

hammer type scabblers

pole type scabblers

Scabbling purely for architectural aesthetic effect is not acceptable. Specify finishes that do not require scabbling. (Some finishes can be designed into shuttering using special moulds or chemical retardants and water jetting.)

Surface preparation to ensure a good concrete bond. Use alternative methods where technically appropriate:

  • grit blasting (wet or dry)
  • use of chemical retarders and pressure washing
  • cast in proprietary joint formers eg mesh formwork
  • UHP water blasting (refer to COP for safety guidance)

Example: grit blasting
[72]Example: paint-on retarder
[73]Example: special formwork
[74]Codes of Practice from the Water jetting Association[75]

Wall chasing using hand-held breakers
  • in new buildings, specify built-in ducting
  • in existing buildings, consider overcoating existing plaster and building in the ducts

Construction Industry Council guidance [76]

Drilling masonry/concrete using:

electric hammer drills or "combihammers"

Design and plan to avoid unnecessary drilling. Use, where appropriate:

  • jig-mounted drilling
  • diamond core drilling (clamped in rig)
  • cast-in anchors and channels for wall fixings instead of drill-and-fix types
  • use of direct fastening tools

Note 1: changes of process to eliminate or reduce vibration may introduce other hazards to health (eg noise, dust) or safety which must be addressed and managed (eg hazards associated with lifting operations in some mechanised methods for pile cap removal).

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Table 2: Management of HAV risks where use of vibrating equipment is unavoidable

Issue Expectation References and related guidance
Selection of work equipment

Tool selection can make a substantial difference to the vibration level but the tool must be suitable for the task and used correctly.

Employers should demonstrate a sound procurement policy for power tools and hand-guided machines, showing they have considered the following:

  • There is no reasonably practicable alternative method with no (or less) vibration exposure (see Table 1)
  • Equipment is generally suitable for the job (safety, size, power, efficiency, ergonomics, cost, user acceptability, etc.)
  • Reduced vibration designs are selected provided the tools are otherwise suitable (eg breakers with handle suspension)
  • Declared vibration emission is not high compared with competing machines of similar capacity to do the job
  • Information on likely vibration emission in use (eg from manufacturer, hire company, databases)
  • Available information from the manufacturer or elsewhere on control of vibration risks through:
    • maintenance (eg servicing grinders, sharpening drills and chisels)
    • selection of consumables (abrasive discs, chisels, drills, etc.)
    • correct operation and operator training (see below)
    • maximum daily trigger times or maximum daily work done with the tool

Selecting equipment [77]

Employers' leaflet on HAV[78]

Limiting daily exposure time

Restricting exposure time ("finger-on-trigger" time) may be required to bring exposures below the ELV, even after all reasonably practicable measures to reduce vibration levels are in place.

Maximum times can be determined using the exposure points system or supplier's "traffic lights" tool categories, but these should be derived from sound "real use" vibration emission values.

Note: Employers tend to ask "How long can we use this tool?" The exposure must be reduced to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable (Reg 6(2)), so the ELV should not be used as a target, if a lower exposure is reasonably practicable.

Reduce the period of exposure[79]

Other risk controls

Control of HAVS risk by means other than reducing vibration exposure:

  • Ergonomic aids support weight of tool and reduce forces applied by operator
  • Suitable workplace temperature or provision of warm clothing and gloves
  • Regular breaks from work involving vibration and encourage operators to exercise fingers

Gloves and warm clothing [80]

Other measures [81]

Employees' leaflet on HAV[82]

Information, instruction and training

Employees at risk from vibration should have received information on:

  • the risks from HAV and how to help reduce them (see above)
  • arrangements for health surveillance and their duty to cooperate.

Look for evidence that tools are being used correctly, as recommended by the manufacturer. This may require operators to receive specified training – are operators and their supervisors aware of the need? In particular, breakers with suspended (sprung) handles designed to absorb vibration must be used correctly, and with appropriate force, or the potential reduction in vibration will not be achieved.

Employees' leaflet on HAV[83]

Information and training[84]

Example: training provided by breaker manufacturer [85]

Health surveillance

Required where the EAV is likely to be exceeded. Expect to see, as a minimum:

  • use of a periodic health screening questionnaire – ideally annually and for new employees
  • arrangements for referral of relevant cases to an occupational health provider with HAVS expertise for diagnosis and ongoing monitoring
  • arrangements to receive medical advice on management of affected employees
  • arrangements for RIDDOR reporting of HAVS cases
  • arrangements to receive anonymised information to demonstrate effectiveness of controls although this may not be meaningful for casual/short-term workers

In construction, short-term employment presents difficulties for managing health surveillance; cooperation between employers should be encouraged.

Employers' leaflet on HAV[86]

Health surveillance guidance [87]

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Link URLs in this page

  1. Vibration
  2. Hand arm vibration
  3. About this website
  4. Key messages
  5. Worried about your hands
  6. Overview - Advice for employers
  7. Employers responsibilities
  8. Assess risk
  9. Overview - How to protect workers
  10. Control risk
  11. Information and training
  12. Health surveillance
  13. Overview - Good practice
  14. Overview - Foundries
  15. Eliminate fettling by improving casting quality
  16. Machining as a substitute for fettling
  17. Automatic fettling
  18. Jig-mounting of grinders
  19. Semi-automatic cut off machine
  20. Isolated casting cut off
  21. Installation of hydraulic cropping machine
  22. Shell knockout 1
  23. Shell knockout 2
  24. Hydraulic pushout
  25. Ladle slag chipping
  26. Overview - Construction
  27. Preparing a code of practice
  28. Construction Industry Council guidance
  29. Mounted breaker
  30. Directional drilling
  31. Crushing concrete
  32. Bursting concrete
  33. Diamond wire cutting
  34. Water jetting
  35. Codes of Practice from the Water Jetting Association
  36. Grit blasting
  37. Paint-on retarder
  38. Special formwork
  39. Overview - Steel fabrication
  40. Machining
  41. Laser cutting
  42. Plasma cutting
  43. Noise reduction in the ship repair industry – research report 1992
  44. Abrasive blasters
  45. Overview - Regulations
  46. Inspector briefing
  47. Overview - Resources
  48. Publications
  49. Research
  50. Statistics
  51. Useful links
  52. Vibration calculator
  53. Overview - Case studies
  54. (HAVS) in two motor companies
  55. Monitoring exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration
  56. Overview - Supply project events
  57. Controlling vibration
  58. Q & A on hand tools
  59. Q & A on using a vibration consultant
  60. Q & A on health surveillance
  61. British Tunnelling Society, preparing a code of practice
  62. Tunnelling and Pipejacking: Guidance for Designers
  63. Construction Industry Council guidance
  64. Mounted breaker
  65. Directional drilling
  66. Crushing concrete
  67. Bursting concrete
  68. Diamond wire cutting
  69. Water jetting
  70. Codes of Practice from the Water jetting Association
  71. Pile cropping. A review of current practice (HSE Inspector information leaflet, Aug 02)
  72. Example: grit blasting
  73. Example: paint-on retarder
  74. Example: special formwork
  75. Codes of Practice from the Water jetting Association
  76. Construction Industry Council guidance
  77. Selecting equipment
  78. Employers' leaflet on HAV
  79. Reduce the period of exposure
  80. Gloves and warm clothing
  81. Other measures
  82. Employees' leaflet on HAV
  83. Employees' leaflet on HAV
  84. Information and training
  85. Example: training provided by breaker manufacturer
  86. Employers' leaflet on HAV
  87. Health surveillance guidance
  88. Tunnelling and Pipejacking: Guidance for Designers
  89. Pile cropping. A review of current practice
  90. Hand-arm vibration at work: A brief guide
  91. Advice for employers
  92. Regulations
  93. How to protect workers
  94. Construction
  95. Engineering
  96. Motor vehicle repair
  97. Noise
  98. Quarries
  99. Agriculture

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