When you are applying for pesticide registration in Great Britain or Northern Ireland you need to assess the potential for exposure in surface water and sediment. Guidance on the data requirements for assessing the fate and behaviour of pesticides in the environment can be found in Environmental fate and behaviour: Information for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland[1].
Assessment of plant protection products includes calculating predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) in surface water and sediment, via spray drift and drainflow.
The GB and NI requirements are described in the following pages:
- Spray drift surface water exposure assessments for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland[2]
- First tier drainflow calculation for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland[3]
- Webfram higher tier drainflow modelling for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland [4]
- MACRO higher tier drainflow modelling for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland[5]
- HardSPEC - Surface and Ground Water Exposure Model for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland[6]