We have made a number of databases available for your information on this website.
Please note there can be a time lag between new authorisations being issued and their details appearing on our website databases. A similar delay can also occur when changes are made to existing authorisations. Please therefore contact us if you wish to be absolutely sure that the information you are looking for is the most up to date.
Currently authorised (extant) plant protection products(PPP)
- Garden Pesticides Search (Amateur Uses)
Search for currently authorised products for use by amateurs (non-professionals). You can search for the plant/area to be treated, the product name, marketing company, active substance, MAPP number (registration number), or type of PPP. A user guide is available to aid searching. - The Pesticides Register Database
Search for extant PPP with on-label authorisations. The User Guide provides helpful information on the type of searches you can do. - Published 'on-label' e-@pprovals documents
Database shows documentation issued since 2005 for a particular PPP including authorisations (or permits), amendments to authorisations and withdrawal notices. This includes products that have expired and are no longer authorised. You will need to know the MAPP (registration) number or name of the product for the public search facility.
Extensions of authorisation, adjuvants and basic substances
- Extension of Authorisation for minor use in the GB/NI (formerly known as 'SOLA s')
- Withdrawal Notices for Extension of authorisation for a minor use
Where an Extension of Authorisation has been immediately withdrawn, withdrawal notices will be published here. - Adjuvant Information Database
All details of adjuvants: Search by Adjuvant Name, Adjuvant Number, Applicant, Effective Adjuvant Component, Active, PPP and Crop. - Commodity Substances
View approval information for commodity substances.
Basic substances
A basic substance is a commonly available commodity which has been assessed as acceptable for specific plant protection purposes. Examples of basic substances include sucrose, calcium hydroxide and vinegar.
Basic substances must not be sold as a PPP nor can they be labelled with any plant protection claims or the uses approved at a GB/NI level. Growers may however purchase these commodities and use them in accordance with the approved conditions of use. No separate authorisation for the use is required.
Full details of the currently approved active substances (chemical, low-risk and basic) including the review report can be found on the GB/NI Pesticides Database.
Basic substances must not be confused with products containing low-risk active substances which need to be evaluated and authorised in the usual way.
More on low-risk active substances
Other useful lists and links
- Prohibited and Non-Authorised Pesticides (in GB/NI)
- Products subject to a 'No-Spray' Buffer Zone
Obtain a list of products together with guidance on whether Local Environmental Risk Assessments for Pesticides (LERAPs) can be used. - Crop Conversion - Old and New Names
Find the old (historical) and new (hierarchy) name for a crop/situation. - GB Statutory MRL Register
Search for GB maximum residue levels (MRLs) - The Toxicological Endpoints Database: This database has been removed from the HSE website because primary sources of the information it contained are now available on official websites:
FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR)