- Please enter details into any or all of the search criteria boxes and then press 'Get Results'.
- The search is not case sensitive.
- You may use wildcards (%) and part names instead of entering the full name. However, using wildcards on either side of the search term will slow the search down considerably.
- Crops must be entered in the singular for example 'apple' not 'apples'. For all 'pea crops' enter '%pea%' and for all 'bean crops' including runner bean enter '%bean%'.
- Searches now use a structured list of crops, the Crop Hierarchy . An introduction and details of the Crop Hierarchy[1] is available along with a search facility for crop conversion[2].
- Guidance on searching the Pesticide Register Database is available in a User Guide[3].
- Guidance is also available on how to use the Garden Pesticides Search[4].
- links to these guides are also given on the Search Screen pages.
- To help you find information on details of authorised pesticide products we have a list of answers to frequently asked questions[5].
Databases Policy
Accuracy Statement
We have made a number of databases available for your use on this website. Please note that there can be an administrative time lag between a product receiving authorisation and its details appearing on the databases on the website.
The information recorded in these databases is complete to the best of our knowledge. Please report any errors and inaccuracies using our contact page[6].
Databases Disclaimer
Whilst regular effort is made to ensure that the information contained on our website programme is accurate, complete, up to date and valid, we need to bring the following qualifications to your attention.
Our goal is to keep the material as up to date as possible and we will take reasonable care to ensure that up-to-date material is included as soon as staff are able to post the new information. However, it may take some time from the introduction of new legislation or procedures for relevant guidance to be posted. Please bear with us when sections of the website are, of necessity, withdrawn when there have been significant changes. Visitors to this website are advised to check with their own suitably qualified professional advisers before acting on information posted on this site.
Summaries of law and procedure have been produced for illustrative purposes only, and may describe the existing HSE (Health and Safety Executive) policy and understanding of the intention of the EC Commission and other law and rule makers. Notes and Guidance material must not be treated as a complete or authoritative statement of the law as they are no substitute for the actual legislation. The ultimate interpretation of the law is for the Courts.