When you are applying for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland you need to provide consideration of the environmental fate and behaviour of the active substance(s) and the product.
Environmental fate and behaviour considers how substances behave in soil, surface water, sediment, groundwater and air.
Key elements to assessing pesticides in the environment are:
- What the active substance breaks down into (referred to here as metabolites)
- How quickly the active substance and metabolites break down
- Where the active substance and metabolites move to in the environment
- Whether the substances build up (accumulate) in the environment
- What levels (predicted environmental concentrations (PECs)) of active substances or metabolites are likely to occur in the environment
Regulations and data requirements
Environmental fate and behaviour data requirements are set under Regulation 1107/2009 (EC)
- Active substance data requirements: Regulation No (EC) 283/2013
- Active substance test methods and guidance documents under 283/2013
- Product data requirements: Regulation No (EC) 284/2013
- Product test methods and guidance documents under 284/2013
All applicants must follow the regulations above and consider ALL the available guidance.
Environmental fate and behaviour webpages:
Overall guidance and access to calculators
- Environmental fate and behaviour in pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland – An applicant's guide (hse.gov.uk)
- Biocides
- Environmental Fate Models: Excel calculator tools
Environmental compartments
- Soil assessment for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Surface Water and Sediment assessments for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Groundwater assessment for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Air assessment for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Additional useful guidance:
- Risk Envelope Suitability for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Aged Sorption in groundwater assessment for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- HardSPEC - surface and ground water exposure model for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Combined Risk Assessment for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Environmental Fate Research Reports relevant to pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Protected use products: Environmental fate consideration for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Disposal and transplanting of growing media: environmental fate consideration for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Crop interception standard approach and refinements: pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Home garden products: environmental fate consideration for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Ornamental crops: environmental fate consideration for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Micro-organisms, biopesticides: environmental fate consideration for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Post-harvest treatments: environmental fate consideration for pesticide registration in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Stereoisomers: Environmental fate and behaviour of plant protection products
Contact details
You can contact HSE at:
Email: [email protected]
Postal address:
CRD Information Management,
Chemicals Regulation Division,
Room 1A Mallard House,
Kings Pool,
3 Peasholme Green,
York YO1 7PX