Contact HSE
Is HSE the correct enforcing authority?
For issues in workplaces such as shops, restaurants, bars, nurseries and playgroups, sheltered accommodation and care homes you should contact your local council's[1] environmental health department. Find out more about who is responsible on our who is the correct enforcing authority[2] page.
Ways to get in touch with HSE
Tell us about a health and safety issue[3]
Tell us if you think something in your workplace could cause serious harm
Incident Contact Centre[4]
A telephone service for reporting fatal and major injuries only
FOI request[5]
Find out how to request official information held by HSE
Ask us about health and safety[6]
How to ask about health and safety where you work, in another workplace or in a public space.
RIDDOR reporting[7]
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
Gas safety certificate[8]
Report a landlord for failing to provide a gas safety certificate
HSE offices[9]
Find the address of your nearest HSE Office
Complain about regulatory advice from a local authority or HSE
Submit a form or application[11]
Our range of forms to help you submit information to HSE
Media relations contacts[12]
How to contact us if you are a member of the media
Contact us out of hours[13]
In certain circumstances HSE may need to respond out of hours
Work with ionising radiation[14]
Contact us about working with ionising radiation