Contact HSE

Is HSE the correct enforcing authority?

For issues in workplaces such as shops, restaurants, bars, nurseries and playgroups, sheltered accommodation and care homes you should contact your local council's[1] environmental health department. Find out more about who is responsible on our who is the correct enforcing authority[2] page.

Ways to get in touch with HSE

Link URLs in this page

  1. your local council's
  2. who is the correct enforcing authority
  3. Tell us about a health and safety issue
  4. Incident Contact Centre
  5. FOI request
  6. Ask us about health and safety
  7. RIDDOR reporting
  8. Gas safety certificate
  9. HSE offices
  10. Complaints
  11. Submit a form or application
  12. Media relations contacts
  13. Contact us out of hours
  14. Work with ionising radiation

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Freedom of Information

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