2. Workstations and assessment
If workers use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work, continuously for an hour or more, employers must do a workstation assessment.
Employers should look at:
- the whole workstation, including equipment, furniture, and work conditions
- the job being done
- any special requirements of a member of staff, for example a user with a disability
Where there are risks, they should take steps to reduce them.
Employers must also do an assessment when:
- a new workstation is set up
- a new user starts work
- a change is made to an existing workstation or the way it's used
- users complain of pain or discomfort
Use this DSE workstation checklist[5] to help make an assessment.
DSE assessment software
Software packages can help train users and help them take part in assessments. But the software is not an assessment on its own.
You should always make sure a trained assessor looks at user assessment results (whether these are software or paper based). The assessor should clear up any doubtful points, provide feedback to users and make sure problems are put right, for example by changes to the DSE or workstation.