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Working with display screen equipment (DSE)

A brief guide

Date of publication:
978 0 7176 6472 6
Series code:
INDG36 (rev4)
Call HSE Books to order:
+44 (0)333 202 5070
Other formats:
Welsh version (PDF) [3]

This leaflet gives guidance to employers on complying with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. It explains what employers may need to do to protect their employees from any risks associated with display screen equipment (DSE), ie computers and laptops. It will also be useful to employees and their representatives.

The leaflet revises and consolidates the guidance in The Law on VDUs: An easy guide (HSG90) and Working with VDUs (INDG36(rev3)). This is to make sure the guidance focuses on how to comply with health and safety law; gives proportionate advice; avoids duplication with other publications; and preserves important information and key messages developed over many years which we know work well. There has been no change to HSE's policy in revising INDG36 and withdrawing HSG90.

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  3. Welsh version
  4. Work with display screen equipment ... Regulations 1992
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Updated: 2023-04-12