Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 - Section 3

The purposes of HSWA include protecting people other than those at work from risks to their health and safety when these arise out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work. The scope of the general duties set out in HSWA Section 3 is very broad so HSE has developed a policy to guide enforcing authorities in exercising discretion Section 3, HSW Act: Policy[10] that complements HSE's Enforcement Policy Statement (EPS)[11] .

HSE's arrangements for enforcing section 3 need to take account of health and safety priorities - most recently set out in HSE's strategy Helping GB WORK WELL - whilst continuing to meet the section18 HSWA duty to make adequate arrangements for enforcing the relevant statutory provisions. HSE's current priorities for enforcement can be found at (Priorities for Enforcement of Section 3 of HSWA 1974- July 2003 (rev April 2015)

Further guidance in relation to the enforcement of Section 3 can be found at:

Related content

Link URLs in this page

  1. How HSE regulates
  2. HSWA - Section 3
  3. Investigation for incident or complaint
  4. Dealing with imminent danger
  5. Scope and application
  6. Liaison
  7. Agreements with other authorities
  8. Priorities for enforcement
  9. Further information
  10. Section 3, HSW Act: Policy
  11. HSE's Enforcement Policy Statement (EPS)
  12. Dealing with imminent danger
  13. Scope and application of Section 3 HSWA
  14. Should HSE investigate an incident or complaint
  15. Liaison with other statutory inspection bodies and enforcing authorities
  16. Agreements with other regulatory authorities
  17. Further information
  18. What to expect when a health and safety inspector calls
  19. Regulation of health and safety at work
  20. Enforcement Policy Statement (EPS)
  21. Enforcement Management Model (EMM)
  22. Enforcement guide - England and Wales
  23. Enforcement guide - Scotland
  24. Fee for intervention (FFI)
  25. Enforcement guide - England and Wales
  26. Enforcement guide - Scotland
  27. Fee for intervention (FFI)

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

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Updated 2021-12-14