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General workshop safety

Check that:

  • you keep the workshop tidy and avoid tripping hazards such as trailing cables, tools etc;
  • welding gas bottles are secured upright, and when in use can be moved easily on a trolley;
  • battery charging is done in a well-ventilated area away from sources of ignition such as welding flames or angle grinding;
  • you avoid chlorinated solvents such as 'trike' or 'perc' for degreasing. Use a less harmful product (not paraffin or petrol) and put degreasing baths in well-ventilated areas;
  • arc welding is done in a protected area so that others nearby are not affected by the ultra-violet light and suffer 'arc-eye' as a result;
  • you use the correct abrasive wheel for the job and adjust bench grinder tool-rests close to the wheel;
  • you can escape from inspection pits easily and that inspection lamps have protected bulbs (flammable fluids such as petrol may collect in the bottom of the pit and explode with the heat from a broken bulb filament);
  • noise levels from plant such as compressors are controlled – site the machine in a separate closed area or outside;
  • hand tools are in good condition and suitable for the job;
  • PPE is provided – eye protection for chiselling, grinding and welding work; respiratory protection for work that creates dust, if extraction cannot be provided; or foot protection if there is a risk of things falling onto the feet
  • electrical installations and equipment are maintained in good condition, regularly inspected and tested;
  • safe means of access is provided for raised storage areas or mezzanine floors;
  • lifting equipment and mechanical handling aids are used to reduce risk of muscular skeletal injury (MSDs) eg when moving heavy machinery components.  Such equipment should be capable of handling the required loads and be regularly inspected and tested.  Lifting equipment will also require thorough examination.
  • work at height can be carried out safely.  Mobile tower scaffolds can be used as working platforms and may be safer than using a ladder for some tasks.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Working safely with agricultural machinery
  2. Safety Focus on Farm Machinery
  3. Workshop safety
  4. Vehicle repair
  5. Machinery – safe use
  6. Work equipment and machinery
  7. Machinery case studies
  8. Skin problems
  9. Work related stress
  10. Working in GB from overseas
  11. Treework website
  12. Report an incident
  13. Tell us about a health and safety issue

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