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Research reports indexed by year of publication






RR1170 - High Rise Residential Buildings: Preliminary Serious Incident Scenarios and Potential Control Measures[67] (2021)


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  12. Earlier reports - Indexed by report number
  13. RR1221: Systematic review of the method and frequency for undertaking workplace respiratory health surveillance
  14. RR1219: A study of the effectiveness of guarding to prevent falls through window openings
  15. RR1218: The effectiveness of witnessed four-stage clearances following licensed asbestos removal
  16. RR1213: Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in England: Assessment of risk collapse
  17. RR1212: Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in England: Assessment of number of RAAC panels
  18. RR1217: The use of control measures during licensed asbestos removal
  19. RR1216: Review of progress of the Iron Mains Risk Reduction Programme (IMRRP) 2013 to 2023
  20. RR1215: When welding goes wrong: Learning from past failures
  21. RR1214: Review of key machinery safety standards and guidance, and how they reflect on emerging technologiess
  22. RR1211: Wood dust exposures in manufacturing industries
  23. RR1210: Investigation of Mist Explosion Hazards (MIST2) - Vertical ignition test report
  24. RR1209: Investigation of Mist Explosion Hazards (MIST2) - Nozzle Shape Effects Using SLM
  25. RR1208: Investigation of Mist Explosion Hazards (MIST2) - Diesel and Biodiesel Fuel Testing
  26. RR1207: Area Classification for Oil Mists (MISTS2): Summary Report
  27. RR1206: Fire safety: hydraulic systems used in underground work
  28. RR1205: Reviewing and updating the evidence base on the hazards and risks for musculoskeletal disorder symptoms and visual problems regulated by the Display Screen Equipment Regulations
  29. RR1204: Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the HardSPEC environmental exposure model for pesticide regulatory assessments
  30. RR1203: The impact of Permanent Volumetric Modular Construction (PVMC) on building safety
  31. RR1202: Respirabl
  32. e crystalline silica exposure during demolition activity
  33. RR1201 - Decontamination and re-use of FFP3 respirators
  34. RR1200: Evidence on the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on work-related musculoskeletal disorders: evidence summary to 29 April 2021
  35. RR1198: Implementation of the Principal Designer Role within CDM 2015
  36. RR1196: Radiation calculations for fireball and jet fire models: A literature review
  37. RR1195: Exposure to Metal Powders in Additive Manufacturing
  38. RR1194: Fit testing of CE marked ear loop respirators
  39. RR1193: Static concrete mixer cleaning Establishing alternative methods for control of harmful noise and hand-arm vibration exposures
  40. RR1192: Industrial Cleaning: Exposure to Dust Hazardous to Health
  41. RR1191: Fluorescence Microscopy to measure asbestos in air and lung samples: evaluation of a commercially available method
  42. RR1190: Factors affecting the severity of vapour cloud explosions - flame propagation from hinging enclosures
  43. RR1186: Failure rates for above ground major accident hazard pipelines outside above ground installations
  44. RR1177: Risk control for small pressure vessels: café boilers, bench-top autoclaves, and model steam engines
  45. RR1175: Underground storage of explosives in mines: modelling blast effects
  46. RR1189: Modelling flashing liquid releases for hazardous area classification including LPG and ammonia
  47. RR1188: Jet fire mathematical modelling for failure of pipelines carrying flammable substances: Part 2) Model Performance
  48. RR1187: Jet fire mathematical models for failure of pipelines carrying flammable substances: Part 1) Literature Review
  49. RR1185 - Fireball mathematical models and experimental data: A literature review
  50. RR1184 - Evaluation of exposure controls used in electrolytic nickel plating
  51. RR1183 - Chainsaws noise information from suppliers: usefulness for tool selection and risk assessment to protect workers
  52. RR1182 - Hand-arm vibration and noise emissions of battery powered tools compared with equivalent traditionally powered tools
  53. RR1181 - Preliminary Fire Testing of Composite Pipe Repairs
  54. RR1180 - Secondary Guarding on Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs): Appraisal of the level of protection offered
  55. RR1179: Temporary refuges on offshore installations: Modelling the time taken for heat impairment of workers
  56. RR1178 - Freight containers: potential worker exposure to hazardous atmospheres at ports and distribution centres
  57. RR1176 - Asbestos exposures to workers in the licensed asbestos removal industry
  58. RR1174 - Jack Rabbit II Chlorine Release Experiments: HSE scientific contribution and main findings
  59. RR1173 - Forestry wood chippers: suitability of measurement procedures used to provide the manufacturer's and supplier's noise advice to purchasers and users
  60. RR1172 - Mechanical assessment of tower crane slewing brakes
  61. RR1171 - Metalworking fluid and use of compressed airguns in machining: expert workshop
  62. RR1169 - Hydrogen in the natural gas distribution network: Preliminary analysis of gas release and dispersion behaviour
  63. RR1168 - Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: modelling the dispersion of flammable vapour
  64. RR1167 - Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: modelling the dispersion of continuous releases of toxic pressure-liquefied gases
  65. RR1166 - Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: modelling the dispersion of flashing instantaneous releases of toxic substances
  66. RR1165 - Gas dispersion model DRIFT 3.6.14: evaluation and assessment
  67. RR1170 - High Rise Residential Buildings: Preliminary Serious Incident Scenarios and Potential Control Measures
  68. RR1164 - The effectiveness of British Standard BS EN ISO 28927-10:2011 concerning the vibration emission of percussive drills, hammers and breakers
  69. RR1163 - The effectiveness of British Standard BS EN ISO 28927-11:2001 concerning the vibration emission of stone hammers
  70. RR1162 - Standard test codes for the declaration of vibration emission: a review of research carried out by the Health and Safety Executive
  71. RR1161 - The response of large pressure vessels in the process industries to excess pressure: literature review
  72. RR1159 - International Association for Hydrogen Safety 'Research Priorities Workshop', September 2018, Buxton, UK
  73. RR1158 - Application of a risk-based method to evaluate operator visibility from a large rigid frame dumper truck
  74. RR1157 - Application of a risk-based method to evaluate operator visibility from an hydraulic excavator
  75. RR1156 - Visibility risk zone method to evaluate operator visibility for earth-moving machinery
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Updated 2025-03-04