Research Report Series: Reports 701 - 800
- RR701 - Update to mapping health and safety standards in the UK waste industry[12] (2009)
- RR702 - Integrating risk concepts into undergraduate engineering courses[13]
- RR703 - Societal Risk: Initial briefing to Societal Risk Technical Advisory Group[14]
- RR704 - Patterns of non-fatal accidents in agriculture and the food supply chain[15]
- RR705 - Feedback on the noise and hand arm vibration worker involvement pilot project[16]
- RR706 - Lower limb musculoskeletal disorders[17]
- RR707 - Development of an assessment tool for repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (ART)[18]
- RR708 - Evidence-based review of the current guidance on first aid measures for suspension trauma[19]
- RR709 - Influences on safe/unsafe practices[20]
- RR710 - Assessment of the applicability of Dewar tests for screening hazardous waste treatment[21]
- RR711 - A review of the literature published since 2004 with potential relevance in the diagnosis of HAVS[22]
- RR712 - The value of the WEST monofilaments in detecting neurosensory deficit caused by hand-arm vibration exposure[23]
- RR713 - Good jobs[24]
- RR714 - Evaluation of product documentation provided by suppliers of hand held power tools[25]
- RR715 - Installation permitting guidance for hydrogen and fuel cell stationary applications: UK version[26]
- RR716 - A review of Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) analyses of overfill of fuel storage tanks[27]
- RR717 - Evaluation of EN 60745 test codes: BS EN 60745-2-3:2007 angle grinders[28]
- RR718 - Buncefield Explosion Mechanism Phase 1 (Volumes 1 and 2)[29]
- RR719 - Report of qualitative research amongst 'hard to reach' small construction site operators[30]
- RR720 - Real world use and performance of hearing protection[31]
- RR721 - An exploratory study of occupational health risks for beauty therapists who carry out massage and spray tanning treatments[32]
- RR722 - Identification of microbial contamination in body wax samples[33]
- RR723 - Safety Schemes in Procurement Competence Forum[34]
- RR724 - The usefulness of Critical Incident Technique (CIT) in eliciting plant competencies[35]
- RR725 - MALDI/TOF/MS analysis of isocyanates and other hazardous workplace chemicals[36]
- RR726 - A study of Pendulum slider dimensions for use on profiled surfaces[37]
- RR727 - Market surveillance of custom-moulded earplugs[38]
- RR728 - Projection of mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain[39]
- RR729 - Establishing the requirements for internal examination of high hazard process plan[40]
- RR730 - The Asbestos Survey[41]
- RR731 - Slip and trip workshops for NHS staff[42]
- RR732 - Development of a more accurate assessment of roughness parameters for flooring[43]
- RR733 - In visor testing[44]
- RR734 - Leading indicators for assessing reduction in risk of long latency diseases[45]
- RR735 - Review of diver noise exposure[46]
- RR736 - Comparing subsurface migration of LPG with natural gas[47]
- RR737 - COSHH and current practice[48]
- RR738 - Accident statistics for offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1990-2007[49]
- RR739 - Testing of ISO-compliant extreme water level calculations using raw wave data[50]
- RR740 - A Monte Carlo approach to joint probability of wave, tide and surge in extreme water level calculations[51]
- RR741 - A comparison of extreme water level dependant on data source and technique[52]
- RR742 - An automated system for indicating spray clearance times of MVR spray booths and rooms[53]
- RR743 - Exercises to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort for people doing a range of static and repetitive work[54]
- RR744 - How management behaviours associated with successful health and safety performance relate to those associated with success in other domains[55]
- RR745 - A scoping study assessing the relationship between disability and health and safety[56]
- RR746 - Review of occupational hygiene reports on suitability of respiratory protective equipment (RPE)[57]
- RR747 - Assessment of slips safety information/literature provided by flooring and footwear suppliers[58]
- RR748 - Analysis of inspection reports from Asset Integrity Key Programme 3[59]
- RR749 - Comparison of risks from carbon dioxide and natural gas pipelines[60]
- RR750 - Review of sickness absence data in the waste and recycling industry[61]
- RR752 - Behavioural economics - A review of the literature and proposals for further research in the context of workplace health and safety[62]
- RR753 - A further study of the influence of dry contaminants on pedestrian slips[63]
- RR754 - Evaluation of EN 60745 series of test codes[64]: BS EN 60745-2-11:2003 reciprocating saws
- RR755 - Validation of the Shallow Water model "SPLOT" against experimental data on bund overtopping[65]
- RR756 - Risk leadership and organisational type[66]
- RR757 - Real-time measurement of nitrogen monoxide in tunnels and its oxidation rate in diluted diesel exhaust[67]
- RR758 - Repositioning human factors[68]
- RR759 - Performance indicators in the explosives sectors[69]
- RR760 - Mechanical integrity management of bulk storage tanks[70]
- RR761 - Differential pressure hazards in diving[71]
- RR762 - Diving helmet impact testing to EN397[72]
- RR763 - The development of a web-enabled framework for probabilistic exposure assessments[73]
- RR764 - Electric profiling beds in residential and nursing homes[74]
- RR766 - Whole-body vibration and ergonomics of driving occupations: Road haulage industry[75]
- RR767 - Whole-body vibration and ergonomics of driving occupations: Ports industry[76]
- RR768 - A review of the current state of knowledge on tinnitus in relation to noise exposure and hearing loss[77]
- RR769 - Hazards of liquid hydrogen: Position paper [78]
- RR770 - A small survey of exposure to stainless steel welding fume[79]
- RR771 - Identifying the incidence of electricity-related accidents in Great Britain[80]
- RR772 - Offshore working time in relation to performance, health and safety[81]
- RR773 - Feasibility of using urinary biomarkers to identify occupational musculoskeletal disorders of the lower limbs[82]
- RR774 - An investigation into the performance of the PipeTech computer code in calculating Isle of Grain pipeline blowdown tests[83]
- RR775 - Prospective cohort study of sheep dip exposure and 'dipper's flu'[84]
- RR776 - Assessing the effectiveness of the Workplace Transport Route Map[85]
- RR777 - A review of workplace transport safety and HSE commissioned work on manual handling and delivery of goods[86]
- RR778 - Feasibility of storybuilder software tool for major hazards intelligence[87]
- RR779 - Review of FLACS version 9.0: Dispersion modelling capabilities[88]
- RR782 - Fire and explosion properties of nanopowders[89]
- RR783 - Evaluation of the duty to manage asbestos[90]
- RR785 - Improving health and safety: An analysis of HSE's risk communication in the 21st century[91]
- RR786 - Bioaerosol emissions from waste composting and the potential for workers' exposure[92]
- RR787 - Developing understanding of target audiences - Local exhaust ventilation[93]
- RR788 - Doppler monitoring of compressed air workers[94]
- RR789 - LNG source term models for hazard analysis[95]
- RR790 - A review of the management of crowd safety at outdoor street/special events[96]
- RR792 - Decontamination of agricultural sprayers[97]
- RR793 - Footwear and modifications to goods vehicles in the UK road haulage sector[98]
- RR794 - Vibration measurements on torque multipliers[99]
- RR795 - Triaxial measurements of the performance of anti-vibration gloves[100]
- RR796 - Moving Goods Safely 3[101]
- RR797 - Investigation of potential exposure to carcinogens and respiratory sensitisers during thermal processing of plastics[102]
- RR798 - Factors influencing the implementation of RPE programmes in the workplace[103]
- RR799 - Ageing and work-related musculoskeletal disorders[104]
- RR800 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain[105]