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Research Report Series: Reports 601 - 700





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  12. RR601 - Irritation and sensitisation
  13. RR602 - Assessment of gas detection strategies for offshore HVAC ducts based on CFD modelling
  14. RR603 - Evaluating methods of training of mineworkers for hot inspired air when wearing self-rescuers
  15. RR604 - Noise emission data for hand-held concrete breakers
  16. RR605 - An appraisal of underground gas storage technologies and incidents, for the development of risk assessment methodology
  17. RR606 - Scoping calculations for releases from potential UK Underground Gas Storage facilities
  18. RR607 - International comparison of (a) techniques used by state bodies to obtain compliance with health and safety law and accountability for administrative and criminal offences and (b) sentences for criminal offences
  19. RR608 - Estimating the prevalence and incidence of pesticide-related illness presented to General Practitioners in Great Britain
  20. RR609 - Collecting, transfer, treatment and processing household waste and recyclables
  21. RR610 - The nature, causes and consequences of harm in emotionally-demanding occupations
  22. RR611 - Treatment of feed water for steam boilers using magnetic devices - Phase 3: Experimental Programme
  23. RR612 - Whole-body vibration and ergonomics toolkit: Phase 1
  24. RR613 - Whole-body vibration and ergonomics of driving occupations. Phase 2: Port vehicles
  25. RR614 - Articulated dumper truck rollover
  26. RR615 - Spontaneous ignition of hydrogen: Literature review
  27. RR616 - Collaboration of results from industry round-robin on engineering critical assessment evaluations
  28. RR617 - Programme for the assessment of NDT in industry. PANI 3
  29. RR618 - Noise emissions and exposure from mobile woodchippers
  30. RR619 - Evaluating the protection afforded by surgical masks against influenza bioaerosols
  31. RR620 - Review of targeted initiatives in the manufacturing sector
  32. RR621 - Wave mapping in UK waters: Supporting document
  33. RR622 - Evaluation of the success in Great Britain of the Directive on minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment: A comparative assessment of the 1997 and 2007 evaluations
  34. RR623 - Occupational asthma, respiratory issues and dermatitis in hairdressers and nail bars: A London Borough's initiative
  35. RR624 - Further measurements of fibre concentrations in CLASP construction buildings
  36. RR625 - Noise emission from fastener driving tools
  37. RR626 - Feasibility of carrying out an ergonomics intervention study to prevent the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders
  38. RR627 - Health and safety in nail bars
  39. RR628 - Evaluation of the success in Great Britain of the Directive on minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment
  40. RR629 - Extension of the dense gas dispersion model DRIFT to include buoyant lift-off and buoyant rise
  41. RR630 - Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas systems
  42. RR632 - Attendance management in the Fire and Rescue Service
  43. RR633 - Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work
  44. RR634 - A review of carbon monoxide incident information, for 2005/06, produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG, within Great Britain
  45. RR635 - Effect of tubing type on gas detector sampling systems
  46. RR636 - Whole-body vibration of ground-preparation activities in forestry
  47. RR637 - Optimising hazard management by workforce engagement and supervision
  48. RR638 - The determinants of compliance with laws and regulations with special reference to health and safety: A literature review
  49. RR639 - An empirical analysis of the effect of health on aggregate income and individual labourmarket outcomes in the UK
  50. RR640 - Third party major accident hazard pipeline (MAHP) infringement: A case study
  51. RR641 - Tracking research for HSE's workplace transport programme 'struck by' initiative
  52. RR642 - Improved generic strategies and methods for reliability-based structural integrity assessment
  53. RR643 - Assessing and modelling the uncertainty in fatigue crack growth in structural steels
  54. RR644 - Attention, awareness and occupational stress
  55. RR645 - Measurement of alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates at low concentrations
  56. RR646 - Field validation of improved sampling methods for airborne cyanoacrylates
  57. RR647 - Musculoskeletal disorders in podiatry and chiropody professionals
  58. RR648 - The effects of transformational leadership on employees' absenteeism in four UK public sector organisations
  59. RR649 - Assessment uncertainties relating to electromagnetic fields (EMF) measurement and computation
  60. RR651 - Glass recycling: Noise exposure from simulated roadside collection of recyclable glass - Follow-up measurements
  61. RR652 - Implementation of Worklife Support's Well-Being Programme in the local authority-controlled education sector
  62. RR653 - Novel slip characteristics of conglomerate tiles
  63. RR654 - What works in delivering improved health and safety outcomes: A review of the existing evidence
  64. RR655 - Exposure to dust and bioaerosols in poultry farming: Summary of observations and data
  65. RR658 - Physiological safety of airfed suit use during nuclear decommissioning: Literature review
  66. RR659 - Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-destructive testing screening methods for in-service inspection
  67. RR660 - Behaviour change and worker engagement practices within the construction sector
  68. RR661 - Parental occupational chemical exposures and childhood cancer
  69. RR662 - Load security on curtain sided lorries
  70. RR663 - Falls from vehicles: Campaign evaluation
  71. RR664 - Musicians' hearing protection: A review
  72. RR665 - The influence of posture and environmental temperature on the diagnostic ability of finger systolic blood pressure
  73. RR666 - Data mining in a HAVS referral population
  74. RR667 - Upper limb disability and exposure to hand-arm vibration in selected industries
  75. RR668 - Evaluation of current rigging and dismantling practices used in arboriculture
  76. RR669 - Epidemiological evidence for the effectiveness of the noise at work regulations
  77. RR670 - Kirklees Better Health at Work project: Final report
  78. RR671 - Failure rates for underground gas storage
  79. RR672 - Offshore hydrocarbon releases 2001-2008
  80. RR673 - The feasibility of comparing sickness absence surveys and the Labour Force Survey
  81. RR674 - Reducing the risks associated with the manual handling of air passenger baggage for narrow bodied aircraft
  82. RR675 - Musculoskeletal ill-health risks for airport baggage handlers
  83. RR676 - Review of technical issues relating to foundations and geotechnics for offshore installations in the UKCS
  84. RR677 - Analysis of CTI foundry dataset
  85. RR678 - Updating and improving the National Population Database to National Population Database 2
  86. RR679 - Review of human reliability assessment methods
  87. RR680 - Local authorities and HSE in partnership: An evaluation
  88. RR681 - Accidents in the transport industry
  89. RR682 - Development of fire protection measures for vessels containing reactive chemicals
  90. RR683 - Effective control of gas shielded arc welding fume
  91. RR684 - Structural integrity management framework for fixed jacket structures
  92. RR685 - Structural integrity monitoring: Review and appraisal of current technologies for offshore applications
  93. RR686 - Lessons learned from the Large Organisations Partnership Pilot (LOPP)
  94. RR687 - Developing the Management Standards Approach within the Context of Common Health Problems in the Workplace: A Delphi Study
  95. RR689 - Silica baseline survey
  96. RR690 - Managing sickness absence and return to work: Trial and assessment of a sickness absence recording tool
  97. RR691 - Improving the reliability of estimates of migrant worker numbers and their relative risk of workplace injury and illness
  98. RR692 - Assessing the cumulative economic impacts of health and safety regulations
  99. RR693 - Organisational responses to the HSE management standards for work-related stress
  100. RR694 - Managing stress and sickness absence
  101. RR695 - Evaluation of guidance for directors and board members
  102. RR696 - Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in Britain
  103. RR697 - In-service assessment of agricultural trailer and trailed appliance braking system condition and performance: The Agricultural Trailer Braking Study
  104. RR688 - Forestry intervention appraisal and evaluation framework
  105. RR698 - A literature review of effective management of the risk of violence in licensed and retail premises arising from crime and disorder
  106. RR699 - Engaging arboriculture clients: Safety and Health Awareness Days (SHADs)
  107. RR700 - Understanding and influencing farmers' attitudes
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Updated 2023-08-29