Research Report Series: Reports 601 - 700
- RR601 - Irritation and sensitisation[12] (2008)
- RR602 - Assessment of gas detection strategies for offshore HVAC ducts based on CFD modelling[13]
- RR603 - Evaluating methods of training of mineworkers for hot inspired air when wearing self-rescuers[14]
- RR604 - Noise emission data for hand-held concrete breakers[15]
- RR605 - An appraisal of underground gas storage technologies and incidents, for the development of risk assessment methodology[16]
- RR606 - Scoping calculations for releases from potential UK Underground Gas Storage facilities[17]
- RR607 - International comparison of (a) techniques used by state bodies to obtain compliance with health and safety law and accountability for administrative and criminal offences and (b) sentences for criminal offences[18]
- RR608 - Estimating the prevalence and incidence of pesticide-related illness presented to General Practitioners in Great Britain[19]
- RR609 - Collecting, transfer, treatment and processing household waste and recyclables[20]
- RR610 - The nature, causes and consequences of harm in emotionally-demanding occupations[21]
- RR611 - Treatment of feed water for steam boilers using magnetic devices - Phase 3: Experimental Programme[22]
- RR612 - Whole-body vibration and ergonomics toolkit: Phase 1[23]
- RR613 - Whole-body vibration and ergonomics of driving occupations. Phase 2: Port vehicles [24]
- RR614 - Articulated dumper truck rollover[25]
- RR615 - Spontaneous ignition of hydrogen: Literature review[26]
- RR616 - Collaboration of results from industry round-robin on engineering critical assessment evaluations[27]
- RR617 - Programme for the assessment of NDT in industry. PANI 3[28]
- RR618 - Noise emissions and exposure from mobile woodchippers[29]
- RR619 - Evaluating the protection afforded by surgical masks against influenza bioaerosols[30]
- RR620 - Review of targeted initiatives in the manufacturing sector[31]
- RR621 - Wave mapping in UK waters: Supporting document[32]
- RR622 - Evaluation of the success in Great Britain of the Directive on minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment: A comparative assessment of the 1997 and 2007 evaluations[33]
- RR623 - Occupational asthma, respiratory issues and dermatitis in hairdressers and nail bars: A London Borough's initiative [34]
- RR624 - Further measurements of fibre concentrations in CLASP construction buildings[35]
- RR625 - Noise emission from fastener driving tools[36]
- RR626 - Feasibility of carrying out an ergonomics intervention study to prevent the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders[37]
- RR627 - Health and safety in nail bars[38]
- RR628 - Evaluation of the success in Great Britain of the Directive on minimum safety and health requirements for work with display screen equipment[39]
- RR629 - Extension of the dense gas dispersion model DRIFT to include buoyant lift-off and buoyant rise[40]
- RR630 - Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas systems[41]
- RR632 - Attendance management in the Fire and Rescue Service[42]
- RR633 - Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work[43]
- RR634 - A review of carbon monoxide incident information, for 2005/06, produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG, within Great Britain[44]
- RR635 - Effect of tubing type on gas detector sampling systems[45]
- RR636 - Whole-body vibration of ground-preparation activities in forestry[46]
- RR637 - Optimising hazard management by workforce engagement and supervision[47]
- RR638 - The determinants of compliance with laws and regulations with special reference to health and safety: A literature review[48]
- RR639 - An empirical analysis of the effect of health on aggregate income and individual labourmarket outcomes in the UK[49]
- RR640 - Third party major accident hazard pipeline (MAHP) infringement: A case study [50]
- RR641 - Tracking research for HSE's workplace transport programme 'struck by' initiative[51]
- RR642 - Improved generic strategies and methods for reliability-based structural integrity assessment[52]
- RR643 - Assessing and modelling the uncertainty in fatigue crack growth in structural steels[53]
- RR644 - Attention, awareness and occupational stress[54]
- RR645 - Measurement of alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates at low concentrations[55]
- RR646 - Field validation of improved sampling methods for airborne cyanoacrylates[56]
- RR647 - Musculoskeletal disorders in podiatry and chiropody professionals[57]
- RR648 - The effects of transformational leadership on employees' absenteeism in four UK public sector organisations[58]
- RR649 - Assessment uncertainties relating to electromagnetic fields (EMF) measurement and computation[59]
- RR651 - Glass recycling: Noise exposure from simulated roadside collection of recyclable glass - Follow-up measurements[60]
- RR652 - Implementation of Worklife Support's Well-Being Programme in the local authority-controlled education sector[61]
- RR653 - Novel slip characteristics of conglomerate tiles[62]
- RR654 - What works in delivering improved health and safety outcomes: A review of the existing evidence[63]
- RR655 - Exposure to dust and bioaerosols in poultry farming: Summary of observations and data[64]
- RR658 - Physiological safety of airfed suit use during nuclear decommissioning: Literature review[65]
- RR659 - Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-destructive testing screening methods for in-service inspection[66]
- RR660 - Behaviour change and worker engagement practices within the construction sector (PDF) [67]
- RR661 - Parental occupational chemical exposures and childhood cancer[68]
- RR662 - Load security on curtain sided lorries[69]
- RR663 - Falls from vehicles: Campaign evaluation [70]
- RR664 - Musicians' hearing protection: A review[71]
- RR665 - The influence of posture and environmental temperature on the diagnostic ability of finger systolic blood pressure[72]
- RR666 - Data mining in a HAVS referral population[73]
- RR667 - Upper limb disability and exposure to hand-arm vibration in selected industries[74]
- RR668 - Evaluation of current rigging and dismantling practices used in arboriculture[75]
- RR669 - Epidemiological evidence for the effectiveness of the noise at work regulations[76]
- RR670 - Kirklees Better Health at Work project: Final report[77]
- RR671 - Failure rates for underground gas storage[78]
- RR672 - Offshore hydrocarbon releases 2001-2008[79]
- RR673 - The feasibility of comparing sickness absence surveys and the Labour Force Survey[80]
- RR674 - Reducing the risks associated with the manual handling of air passenger baggage for narrow bodied aircraft[81]
- RR675 - Musculoskeletal ill-health risks for airport baggage handlers[82]
- RR676 - Review of technical issues relating to foundations and geotechnics for offshore installations in the UKCS[83]
- RR677 - Analysis of CTI foundry dataset[84]
- RR678 - Updating and improving the National Population Database to National Population Database 2[85]
- RR679 - Review of human reliability assessment methods[86]
- RR680 - Local authorities and HSE in partnership: An evaluation[87]
- RR681 - Accidents in the transport industry[88]
- RR682 - Development of fire protection measures for vessels containing reactive chemicals[89]
- RR683 - Effective control of gas shielded arc welding fume[90]
- RR684 - Structural integrity management framework for fixed jacket structures[91]
- RR685 - Structural integrity monitoring: Review and appraisal of current technologies for offshore applications[92]
- RR686 - Lessons learned from the Large Organisations Partnership Pilot (LOPP)[93]
- RR687 - Developing the Management Standards Approach within the Context of Common Health Problems in the Workplace: A Delphi Study [94]
- RR689 - Silica baseline survey[95]
- RR690 - Managing sickness absence and return to work: Trial and assessment of a sickness absence recording tool[96]
- RR691 - Improving the reliability of estimates of migrant worker numbers and their relative risk of workplace injury and illness[97]
- RR692 - Assessing the cumulative economic impacts of health and safety regulations[98]
- RR693 - Organisational responses to the HSE management standards for work-related stress[99]
- RR694 - Managing stress and sickness absence[100]
- RR695 - Evaluation of guidance for directors and board members[101]
- RR696 - Occupational, domestic and environmental mesothelioma risks in Britain[102]
- RR697 - In-service assessment of agricultural trailer and trailed appliance braking system condition and performance: The Agricultural Trailer Braking Study[103]
- RR688 - Forestry intervention appraisal and evaluation framework[104]
- RR698 - A literature review of effective management of the risk of violence in licensed and retail premises arising from crime and disorder[105]
- RR699 - Engaging arboriculture clients: Safety and Health Awareness Days (SHADs)[106]
- RR700 - Understanding and influencing farmers' attitudes[107]