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Research reports 201-300



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  12. RR201 - Recidivist risk takers who work at height
  13. RR202 - Psychosocial aspects of work and health in the North Sea oil and gas industry
  14. RR203 - Distributed cognition models for human factors failures in operating and design processes
  15. RR204 - Health and safety in refurbishment involving demolition and structural instability
  16. RR205 - Evaluating the performance and effectiveness of ladder stability devices
  17. RR207- Review of low cycle fatigue resistance
  18. RR208 - The effects of dynamic loading on structural integrity assessments
  19. RR211 - Further development of the usability and validity of the Quick Exposure Check
  20. RR212 - Practical solutions to noise problems in agriculture
  21. RR213 - Human factors guidance for selecting appropriate maintenance strategies for safety in the offshore oil and gas industry
  22. RR214 - YO-YO diving and the risk of decompression illness
  23. RR215 - The challenge of managing upper limb disorders - how can health professionals become more effective?
  24. RR216 - A methodology for the assignment of safety integrity levels (SILs) to safety-related control functions implemented by safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems of machines
  25. RR217 - The development of a health and safety management index for use by business, investors, employees, the regulator and other stakeholders
  26. RR218 - Peer review of analysis of specialist group reports on causes of construction accidents
  27. RR219 - Design and integrity management of mobile installation moorings
  28. RR220 - Ship collision and capacity of brace members of fixed steel offshore platforms
  29. RR221 - Review of the occupational health and safety of Britain's ethnic minorities
  30. RR222 - Tests for the ignition and flame spread of clothing fabrics subjected to angle grinder sparks - Results from ten generic fabrics and variants
  31. RR223 - Mathematical modelling of the stability of passenger carrying tandem seat all terrain vehicle (ATV)
  32. RR224 - Growth of through-wall fatigue cracks in brace members
  33. RR225 - FPSO response to fast transient dynamic events
  34. RR226 - Development of a method for the determination of on-site ignition probabilities
  35. RR228 - Review of the risks associated with pushing and pulling heavy loads
  36. RR229 - Safe application of mine roadway support systems
  37. RR229a - Coal mine roadway support system handbook
  38. RR230 - Co-ordinated investigation into the possible long term health effects of diving at work
  39. RR231 - Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 1 - Summary report
  40. RR232 - Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 2 - RIDDOR Accident Data Analysis Tool
  41. RR233 - Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 3 - Construction transport accidents underlying causes and risk control
  42. RR234 - Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 5 - Falls from height: Underlying causes and risk control in the construction industry
  43. RR235 - Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 6 - Generic model for health and safety in construction
  44. RR236 - Improving health and safety in construction: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Phase 2 - Depth and breadth: Volume 7 Analysis of HSE Mechanisms
  45. RR237 - Maintenance system assessment: Guidance document
  46. RR238 - A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 2002/03
  47. RR239 - Improving the 'reach' of health and safety information dissemination using ICT
  48. RR240 - Mapping health and safety standards in the UK waste industry
  49. RR241 - Rock reinforcement and testing
  50. RR242 - The evaluation of occupational health advice in primary health care
  51. RR243 - Summative assessment supported by the Internet: the Professional Diver Competency Theory Assessment System (DCTAS)
  52. RR244 - Excursion tables in saturation diving - decompression implications of current UK practice
  53. RR245 - Stress redistribution in platform substructures due to primary member damage and its effect on structural reliability
  54. RR246 - Effect of platform robustness on inspection planning
  55. RR247 - Competencies of occupational physicians The customer's perspective
  56. RR248 - Novel mobile and portable methods for detecting rock failure
  57. RR249 - The development of case studies that demonstrate the business benefit of effective management of occupational health and safety
  58. RR250 - Active pendulation control system (APCS)
  59. RR251 - Structural deterioration of tractor safety cabs with age
  60. RR252 - Controlling and monitoring exposure to diesel engine exhaust emissions in non-coal mines
  61. RR253 - Piping Systems Integrity: Management review
  62. RR254 - The profile of patients' occupational health in primary care
  63. RR255 - Evaluation of CFD to predict smoke movement in complex enclosed spaces
  64. RR256 - Investigating the relationship between simulated depth, cognitive function and metacognitive awareness.
  65. RR257 - Occupational health and SMEs: Focused intervention strategies
  66. RR258 - Preliminary investigation into the fall-arresting effectiveness of ladder safety hoops
  67. RR259 - Occupational health and safety enforcement strategies to promote concordance in the hospitality industry
  68. RR260 - Evaluation of the small firms allowance scheme
  69. RR261 - Structural Reliability Framework for FPSOs/FSUs
  70. RR262 - Health and Safety of Homeworkers: Good Practice Case Studies
  71. RR263 - Integrated gateways: planning out health & safety risk
  72. RR264 - Safety and performance enhancement in drilling operations by human factors intervention (SPEDOHFI)
  73. RR265 - Further update of cancer incidence and cancer mortality in a cohort of semiconductor workers
  74. RR266 - A review of criteria concerning design, selection, installation, use, maintenance and training aspects of temporarily-installed horizontal lifelines
  75. RR267 - Implications of the Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive for SMEs
  76. RR268 - Developing a prototype decision aid for determining the risk of work systems at height when using temporary access systems
  77. RR269 - Defining the extent and source of manual handling problems in agricultural and horticultural enterprises
  78. RR270 - Evaluation of the impact of Field Operations Directorate interventions
  79. RR271 - Recruiting safe employees for safety-critical roles
  80. RR272 - Load security investigation
  81. RR273 - The role of work stress and psychological factors in the development of musculoskeletal disorders
  82. RR274 - Nanoparticles: An occupational hygiene review
  83. RR275 - Identification and management of risk in undergraduate construction courses
  84. RR276 - Safe sites: Driver's perceptions
  85. RR278 - Demonstration project on risk assessment of space frame platforms exposed to random wave loading
  86. RR279 - Evaluation of reducing risks, protecting people
  87. RR280 - Real time evaluation of health and safety management in the National Health Service
  88. RR281 - Investigations into concerns about BS EN 12874: 2001 flame arresters
  89. RR282 - The scale and impact of psychotropic medication use by workers
  90. RR283 - Development of an intermediate societal risk methodology
  91. RR284 - Risk perception in relation to musculoskeletal disorders
  92. RR285 - Protection of piping systems subject to fires and explosions
  93. RR286 - Risk implications in site characterisation and analysis for offshore engineering and design
  94. RR287 - Combined effects of occupational health hazards
  95. RR288 - Development of a ventilator test procedure to take account of external wind conditions
  96. RR289 - Guidelines for jack-up rigs with particular reference to foundation integrity
  97. RR290 - Evaluation and further development of the HELA national training co-ordination website
  98. RR291 - Development of theoretical model for simulating FLT overturn - Rate of steering response - Fixed geometry vehicle
  99. RR292 - Different Types of Supervision and the Impact on Safety in the Chemical and Allied Industries
  100. RR293 - Feasibility study to compare steel and adhesive/composite-based emergency repair methods for damaged hulls
  101. RR294 - Recommended practice for the rapid inspection of small bore connectors using radiography
  102. RR295 - Case study: Establishing the business case for investing in stress prevention activities and evaluating their impact on sickness absence levels
  103. RR296 - Obstacles preventing worker involvement in health and safety
  104. RR297 - A National Population Data Base for Major Accident Hazard Modelling
  105. RR298 - Chloride stress corrosion cracking of duplex stainless steels in the absence of oxygen
  106. RR299 - Evaluation of CEN ultrasonic testing standards for in-service inspection
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