Research reports 101-200
- RR101 - Pile group tension cyclic loading: field test programme at Kinnegar N. Ireland[12] (2003)
- RR102 - Nonlinear analysis of stainless steel corrugated panels under blast loading: A numerical study[13]
- RR105 - Review of the performance of high strength steels used offshore[14]
- RR106 - Job retention and vocational rehabilitation: The development and evaluation of a conceptual framework[15]
- RR107 - Development of internal company standards of good management practice and a task-based risk assessment tool for offshore work-related stressors[16]
- RR108 - The performance capabilities of crews of daughter craft involved in offshore operations in the oil and gas industries[17]
- RR109 - Identification of industry sectors in which employers perceive their business operates[18]
- RR110 - Farm Child UK. Parts 1 and 2.[19]
- RR111 - Report on trends in shuttle tanker incidents 1998 - 2001[20]
- RR112 - Contractorisation- Aspects of health and safety in the supply chain[21]
- RR113 - Operational safety of FPSOs shuttle tanker collision risk summary report[22]
- RR114 - Improving health and safety in construction Phase 2 - Depth and breadth Volume 4 Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome - Underlying causes and risk control in the construction industry[23]
- RR115 - Erosion in elbows in hydrocarbon production systems: Review document[24]
- RR116 - Falls from height - Prevention and risk control effectiveness[25]
- RR117 - Development of a method to assess biologically relevant dermal exposure[26]
- RR118 - The influence of non-linear material behaviour on strong vibration effects due to explosion loading[27]
- RR121 - Benchmarking the competent person in manufacturing and engineering sector[28]
- RR122 - Cellular aspects of occupational asthma: Immunological studies in isocyanate exposed subjects[29]
- RR123 - Use and effectiveness of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPS) for tree work[30]
- RR124 - Pulse pressure testing of 1/4 scale blast wall panels with connections[31]
- RR125 - Evaluation of the implementation of the use of work equipment directive and the amending directive to the use of work equipment directive in the UK[32]
- RR126 - A comparison of oxygen decompression tables for use in compressed air work[33]
- RR127 - Measurement and modelling of
combustion products from flueless gas
appliances[34] - RR128 - The safety implications for offshore maintenance of using proprietary management/scheduling software[35]
- RR129 - Review of external stress corrosion cracking of 22%Cr duplex stainless steel Phase 1 - Operational data acquisition[36]
- RR130 - Occupational and environmental exposure to bioaerosols from composts and potential health effects - A critical review of published data[37]
- RR131 - Long-term testing of composite through-thickness properties[38]
- RR132 - Shift work and breast cancer: a critical review of the epidemiological evidence[39]
- RR133 - Beacons of excellence in stress prevention[40]
- RR134 - The provision of health and safety information in the annual reports, websites and other publicly available documents produced by the UK's top companies and a sample of government departments, agencies, local authorities and NHS trusts[41]
- RR135 - Health and safety responsibilities of company directors and management board members[42]
- RR136 - Evaluation and further development of the EASE model 2.0[43]
- RR138 - Best practice in rehabilitating employees following absence due to work related stress[44].
- RR139 - Sample analysis of construction accidents reported to HSE[45]
- RR140 - Evaluation of HSC's ACOP and guidance "Legionnaires disease: the control of legionella bacteria in water systems" (L8)[46]
- RR141 - Risk assessment of inhaled particles using a physiologically based mechanistic model[47]
- RR142 - Development of a method for the in vitro identification of contact allergens[48]
- RR143 - Review of the risk assessment of buoyancy loss (RABL) project[49]
- RR144 - The Worker Safety Advisors (WSA) pilot[50]
- RR145 - Reaction Inhibition in the Control of Exothermic Runaway[51]
- RR146 - Analysis and Design of Profiled Blast Walls[52]
- RR148 - The case for CDM: better safer design-a pilot study[53]
- RR149 - The promotion of human factors in the onshore and offshore hazardous industries[54]
- RR150 - Cultural influences on health and safety attitudes and behaviour in small businesses[55]
- RR151 - Good practice and pitfalls in risk assessment[56]
- RR152 - Assessment of benefits of fire compartmentation in chemical warehouses[57]
- RR153 - Stability and support of sides of mine roadways[58]
- RR154 - In vitro determinants of particulate toxicity: The dose-metric for poorly soluble dusts[59]
- RR155 - Dose constraints for comforters and carers[60]
- RR156 - Causal factors in construction accidents[61]
- RR157 - The effect of adjacent buildings and topographical features on the wind pressure field around buildings[62]
- RR158 - The development of risk reduction strategies for the prevention of dermatitis in the UK printing industry[63]
- RR159 - Attitudes to safety culture among professional divers and offshore workers[64]
- RR161 - Deeper learning for safer diving: Using video scenarios to develop professional expertise in the application of the Diving at Work Regulations 1997[65]
- RR162 - Assessment of valve failures in the offshore oil & gas sector[66]
- RR163 - A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 2001/02[67]
- RR164 - Questionnaire predictors of asthma and occupational asthma[68]
- RR165 - Continued appraisal of domestic CO alarms[69]
- RR166 - An appraisal of existing seismic hazard estimates for the UK Continental Shelf[70]
- RR167 - The extent of use of health and safety requirements as a false excuse for not employing sick or disabled persons[71]
- RR168 - Occupation and mental health: Secondary analyses of the ONS Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of Great Britain[72]
- RR169 - Psychosocial risk factors in call centres: An evaluation of work design and well-being[73]
- RR170 - Cognitive factors' influence on the expression and reporting of work-related stress[74]
- RR171 - Human Factors in Decompression Sickness in Compressed Air Workers in the United Kingdom 1986-2000[75]
- RR172 - The role of occupational exposure limits in the health and safety systems of EU Member States[76]
- RR173 - The development of a knowledge based system to deliver health and safety information to designers in the construction industry[77]
- RR174 - Costs of compliance with health and safety regulations in SME's[78]
- RR175 - Field studies of the effectiveness of concrete repairs[79] (Phase 1)
- RR177 - Review of structural modelling of deep water jack up structures[80]
- RR178 - The application of BS EN 61508 to industrial boiler installations[81]
- RR179 - Learning from incidents involving E/E/PE systems (Part 1 - Review of methods and industry practice)[82]
- RR180 - Use of self-rescuers in hot and humid mines[83]
- RR181 - Learning from incidents involving E/E/PE systems (Part 2 - Recommended scheme)[84]
- RR182 - Learning from incidents involving E/E/PE systems (Part 3 - Guidance examples and rationale)[85]
- RR183 - Lifting incident review 1998 - 2003[86]
- RR184 - Field Studies of the Effectiveness of Concrete Repairs[87] (Phase 3)
- RR185 - Field Studies of the effectiveness of concrete repairs[88] (Phase 3a)
- RR186 - Field studies of the effectiveness of concrete repairs[89] (Phase 4)
- RR187 - An evaluation of the Lifeskills - Learning for Living programme[90]
- RR188 - Survey of compliance with Employers ' Liability Compulsory Insurance (ELCI) Act 1969[91]
- RR189 - Rate of ammonia production in the electrolysis of silver nitrate solutions[92]
- RR190 - Inter-individual variability in the interpretation of biological monitoring guidance values[93]
- RR191 - Integrity of Repaired Welds (Phase 1) - Deliverable 5 Summary Report[94]
- RR192 - Evaluation of The Railways (Safety Case) Regulations[95]
- RR193 - The scale and impact of illegal drug use by workers[96]
- RR194 - Human factors assessment model validation study[97]
- RR195 - Review of methods for demonstrating redundancy in dynamic positioning systems for the offshore industry[98]
- RR196 - Building an evidence base for the Health and Safety Commission Strategy to 2010 and beyond: A literature review of interventions to improve health and safety compliance[99]
- RR197 - HSC strategy to 2010 and beyond - consultations with hard to reach groups[100]
- RR198 - TEMPSC Structural Design Basis Determination Part 1 - Input Data Capture and Review[101]
- RR199 - TEMPSC Structural Design Basis Determination. Part 2 - Design Events and Failure Capabilities[102]
- RR200 - TEMPSC Structural Design Basis Determination. Part 3 - Event Levels and Safety Margins[103]