Food and Drink Industry - Resources

This page provides links to web sites relating to health and safety in food and drink manufacture. HSE is not responsible for and cannot guarantee accuracy of information on sites that it does not manage; and inclusion does not mean HSE endorses the linked site.

Health and safety publications by other organisations assisted by HSE

Guidance on dust control and health surveillance in bakeries (2008) also an interactive training package 'Breathe Easy' which includes the guidance booklet, DVD and training notes - The Federation of Bakers, 6th Floor, 10 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2SL, Tel 020 7420 7190, Email: [email protected].

Guidance on achieving reasonable working temperatures and conditions during production of chilled foods: Guideline No.26 (2000) - Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association, Chipping Campden Tel:01386 842000

CE or PUWER? - the application of legislation to machinery maintenance, assemblies, modification, refurbishment and resale (2002) - Processing and Packaging Machinery Association (PPMA), Wallington Tel: 0208773 8111

HSE enforcement databases

HSE Prosecutions / Notices database


The following booklets and information are available from HSE Books online or by telephone on +44 (0)333 202 5070.

Free leaflets

HSE priced publications

Guidance notes

Grain dust EH66

Federation of Bakers

A Baker's Dozen - Thirteen essentials for health and safety in bakeries
This publication is based on guidance previously published by HSE in HSG233 'Baker's Dozen' which was published in 2003 and withdrawn in 2012 when the text was given to the Federation of Bakers.

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Updated 2023-06-15