Alcoholic and soft drinks
Main causes of injury
- Manual handling and lifting - especially barrels, casks and crates
- Slips and trips - half the injuries are from slips (90% on wet floors) and half from trips
- Being struck by falling objects, eg barrels, boxes, equipment
- Falls from height - off ladders, work platforms, stairs and from vehicles
- Machinery - mainly conveyors but also bottling machines, packaging machines, palletisers etc
- Exposure to harmful substances - cleaning chemicals, hot liquids
- Transport - especially lift trucks
Main occupational ill health risks
- Musculoskeletal injury from heavy manual handling, eg of casks, kegs, crates, sacks and items of plant
- Work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) from repetitive handling, eg in bottling halls
- Noise induced hearing loss from noisy plant, eg casking/kegging, decrating/washing, bottling, canning and packaging machinery
- Occupational lung disease from exposure to grain and malt dust
- Occupational lung disease and nasal cancer from exposure to hardwood dust in coopperages
Industry specific guidance
- Grain dust - Guidance Note (EH66)[38]
- Moving food and drink: Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries (HSG196)[39]
- A wide range of whisky manufacture health and safety publications, videos
and interactive training packages are available from:
The Scotch Whisky Association
20 Atholl Crescent
Edinburgh EH3 8HF