Authorisations / licensing

With certain exceptions, an authorisation is required for the acquisition, keeping, transfer, storage and/or manufacture of explosives.

There are three types of authorisations:

What is a licence?

A licence is a document that allows the holder to store and/or manufacture explosives. The holder of the licence is the person who controls the activities covered by that licence ie manufacturing and/or storing the explosives, and complies with the conditions of that licence.

Licences can be granted by either, Local Authorities, Police, HSE or ONR, depending on:

  • whether the activity is manufacture or storage
  • whether an explosives certificate from the police is needed to acquire and keep explosives
  • the quantity of explosives
  • whether or not the separation distances can be met

Find out how and where to apply for a licence[56].

Licences can be transferred from one person to another, provided:

  • an application is made in writing to the licensing authority
  • the site remains suitable
  • the person who wishes to manufacture or store explosives in place of the licensee is a fit person

If a licensee dies or becomes incapacitated, a person manufacturing or storing explosives in accordance with the conditions of the licence, will be treated as being licensed until either:

  • the expiration of a period of 60 days starting with the date of death or incapacity
  • the grant or refusal, of a new licence
  • the transfer, or refusal to transfer, of the licence

If a licensee becomes bankrupt, or a company with an explosives licence goes into liquidation, administration, or receivership any liquidator, administrator, receiver or trustee in the bankruptcy will be treated as the licensee.

What is an explosives certificate?

An explosives certificate is a document that identifies a person as being fit to acquire and/or keep relevant explosives.

There are two types of certificate:

  • 'Acquire only' certificate – to permit a person or company to obtain explosives that are to be used immediately, and not kept overnight
  • 'Acquire and keep' certificate – to allow a person or company to obtain explosives and keep them in an approved storage place

Anyone who wishes to acquire and or keep relevant explosives needs to contact their local police explosives liaison officer.  All explosives are relevant explosives apart from those listed under Schedule 2 of Explosives Regulations 2014[57].

How to appeal

You can appeal a decision of a Chief Officer of the Police or make an appeal to the Crown Court, or in Scotland to the Sheriff when an explosives certificate is refused, revoked under Regulation 22 of The Explosives Regulations 2014.

Find detailed guidance here[58].

What is an RCA (Recipient competent authority)?

An RCA is a document approving the transfer of civil explosives. Before any explosives are transferred, the consignee shall obtain from the competent authority for the place where the transfer will terminate, a recipient competent authority document which grants approval for the transfer.

No person may carry civil explosives unless the civil explosives are accompanied by a recipient competent authority.

Further information on transfer of explosives[59] is available.

Find out more

Link URLs in this page

  1. Explosives
  2. Explosives Regulations 2014 (Amendment) Regulations 2016
  3. Overview - The Explosives Regulations 2014
  4. Guidance structure
  5. Subsector guidance
  6. Explosives Legislative Review
  7. Getting started
  8. Overview - Authorisations/licensing
  9. Hazard type
  10. Safety requirements
  11. Separation distances
  12. Building and construction type
  13. Applying for a licence
  14. Local authority assent
  15. Explosives in ports
  16. Information for enforcing authorities
  17. Refusals and revocations of authorisations
  18. Safeguarding plans
  19. Manufacturing
  20. Security
  21. Storing explosives
  22. Overview - Classification for transport
  23. UN test results
  24. UN test series FAQs
  25. Analogy
  26. Non-contracting party
  27. UN default scheme for fireworks
  28. How to apply
  29. Overview - Fireworks
  30. Firework displays
  31. Storing and selling fireworks
  32. Transfer of explosives
  33. Overview - Ammonium nitrate
  34. Ammonium nitrate and COMAH
  35. Storage of ammonium nitrate blasting intermediate (ANBI)
  36. Notification threshold
  37. High nitrogen content
  38. Land use planning
  39. Discarding and disposal
  40. Reporting loss
  41. Placing civil explosives on the market
  42. Market surveillance
  43. Record keeping requirements
  44. Manufacture, storage and carriage of thermites
  45. Overview - Other topics
  46. Exemptions
  47. Record of explosives incidents
  48. Identification and traceability
  49. Applying for a Site Identification Code
  50. Overview - Resources
  51. Forms
  52. Publications
  53. Useful links
  54. Contacts
  55. The UK has left the EU, and some rules and procedures have changed from 1 January 2021
  56. how and where to apply for a licence
  57. Schedule 2 of Explosives Regulations 2014
  58. Find detailed guidance here
  59. transfer of explosives
  60. Manufacturing
  61. Storing explosives
  62. Separation distances
  63. Explosives Regulations 2014: Guidance on Regulations – Safety provisions
  64. Trading Standards

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Updated: 2024-11-19