Storing and selling fireworks

HSE has published guidance for retailers on storing and selling fireworks safely:

Legal requirements

You can keep up to 50 kg (net) of Hazard Type 4 fireworks for no longer than 21 days without the need for a licence, provided that these are not for sale or for use at work. This is intended to help private individuals and voluntary organisations that wish to organise a larger firework display. (Hazard Type 4 fireworks are the types of less powerful fireworks generally sold at retailers).

If you wish to use the fireworks for a commercial display or for some other work activity, you can keep up to 100kg of hazard type 3 fireworks for up to 5 consecutive days without the need for a licence, provided they are kept in their place of intended use.

If you wish to store a larger quantity of fireworks, or more powerful fireworks then you will need a licence from your local licensing authority.

If you wish to buy more than 50 kg of fireworks you will need to produce your licence.

If you are in doubt please check with your supplier or with your local licensing authority. Please note that the requirements of the regulations to store the fireworks safely will continue to apply.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsidiary legislation covers firework displays which involve a work activity (ie where at least one person will be involved on a professional basis). This legislation places duties in respect of the health and safety of everyone involved in arranging and giving the display, the spectators and other people near the display site.


Most employers are required by law to insure against liability for injury or disease to their employees arising out of their employment. The Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 ensures that you have at least a minimum level of insurance cover against any such claims.

More information (PDF) [58]

Public liability insurance is not required by health and safety law. However, if you are manufacturing or storing explosives (including fireworks) you may wish to take out public liability insurance. Many industry trade associations and professional bodies require this as a condition of membership. Professional display operators using category F4 fireworks, T2 theatrical pyrotechnics or P2 pyrotechnic articles are required by product safety law to have public liability insurance in place covering their use.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Explosives
  2. Explosives Regulations 2014 (Amendment) Regulations 2016
  3. Overview - The Explosives Regulations 2014
  4. Guidance structure
  5. Subsector guidance
  6. Explosives Legislative Review
  7. Getting started
  8. Overview - Authorisations/licensing
  9. Hazard type
  10. Safety requirements
  11. Separation distances
  12. Building and construction type
  13. Applying for a licence
  14. Local authority assent
  15. Explosives in ports
  16. Information for enforcing authorities
  17. Refusals and revocations of authorisations
  18. Safeguarding plans
  19. Manufacturing
  20. Security
  21. Storing explosives
  22. Overview - Classification for transport
  23. UN test results
  24. UN test series FAQs
  25. Analogy
  26. Non-contracting party
  27. UN default scheme for fireworks
  28. How to apply
  29. Overview - Fireworks
  30. Firework displays
  31. Storing and selling fireworks
  32. Transfer of explosives
  33. Overview - Ammonium nitrate
  34. Ammonium nitrate and COMAH
  35. Storage of ammonium nitrate blasting intermediate (ANBI)
  36. Notification threshold
  37. High nitrogen content
  38. Land use planning
  39. Discarding and disposal
  40. Reporting loss
  41. Placing civil explosives on the market
  42. Market surveillance
  43. Record keeping requirements
  44. Manufacture, storage and carriage of thermites
  45. Overview - Other topics
  46. Exemptions
  47. Record of explosives incidents
  48. Identification and traceability
  49. Applying for a Site Identification Code
  50. Overview - Resources
  51. Forms
  52. Publications
  53. Useful links
  54. Contacts
  55. The UK has left the EU, and some rules and procedures have changed from 1 January 2021
  56. Storing and selling fireworks safely
  57. Fireworks in shops: Risk assessment checklist
  58. More information
  59. INDG 407 - Storing and selling fireworks safely
  60. INDG 407 - Storing and selling fireworks safely

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Updated 2024-06-12