Work-related ill health and occupational disease in Great Britain
Lung disease deaths each year estimated to be linked to past exposures at work
1.7 million
Workers suffering from work-related ill health (new or long-standing) in 2023/24 (LFS)
Occupational lung diseases contributing to estimated annual current deaths
New and long-standing cases of work-related ill health by type, 2023/24
Change over time
- In the recent years prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the rate of self-reported work-related ill health had been broadly flat. The current rate (4,940 per 100,000 workers) is higher than the 2018/19 pre-coronavirus level.
- A chart showing how the ill health rates have changed over time can be found in the Historical picture statistics in Great Britain report (PDF) [26]
- Occupational lung diseases typically have a long latency (they take a long time to develop following exposure to the agent that caused them). Therefore, current deaths reflect the effect of past working conditions.
- Estimates of work-related ill health are based on self-reports from the Labour Force Survey (LFS)[27].
More information on Ill health
Occupational lung disease
- Occupational lung disease (PDF) [28]
- Work-related asthma (PDF) [29]
- Work-related Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (PDF) [30]
- Silicosis and coal workers pneumoconiosis (PDF) [31]
- Other occupational lung disease (PDF) [32]
Asbestos-related disease
- All asbestos-related diseases (PDF) [33]
- Mesothelioma (PDF) [34]
- Mesothelioma deaths by geographical area (PDF) [35]
- Mesothelioma deaths by last occupation (PDF) [36]
- Mesothelioma deaths by geographical area interactive story map[37]
- Asbestosis deaths by geographical area interactive story map[38]
Musculoskeletal disorders
Stress, depression or anxiety
Other ill health conditions
- Occupational cancer (PDF) [41]
- Work-related skin disease (PDF) [42]
- Hand-arm vibration[43]
- Noise induced hearing loss[44]
Information on HSE Statistics
- Data Sources[45]
- Index of tables[46]