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Work-related ill health and occupational disease in Great Britain


Lung disease deaths each year estimated to be linked to past exposures at work

1.7 million

Workers suffering from work-related ill health (new or long-standing) in 2023/24 (LFS)

Occupational lung diseases contributing to estimated annual current deaths

12,000 deaths
Pie chart with 5 slices.
End of interactive chart.

New and long-standing cases of work-related ill health by type, 2023/24

1.7 million workers
Pie chart with 3 slices.
End of interactive chart.

Change over time

  • In the recent years prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the rate of self-reported work-related ill health had been broadly flat. The current rate (4,940 per 100,000 workers) is higher than the 2018/19 pre-coronavirus level.
  • A chart showing how the ill health rates have changed over time can be found in the Historical picture statistics in Great Britain report (PDF) [26]


  • Occupational lung diseases typically have a long latency (they take a long time to develop following exposure to the agent that caused them). Therefore, current deaths reflect the effect of past working conditions.
  • Estimates of work-related ill health are based on self-reports from the Labour Force Survey (LFS)[27].

Link URLs in this page

  1. Statistics
  2. Statistics A - Z
  3. Index of data tables
  4. Ill health
  5. Overview - COVID-19
  6. Management information
  7. Overview - Fatal injuries
  8. Latest quarterly fatal injury figures
  9. Overview - Non-fatal injury
  10. Violence at work
  11. Costs to Britain
  12. Industries
  13. Countries and regions of Britain
  14. Comparisons with other countries
  15. Historical picture
  16. Overview - About HSE Statistics
  17. Data sources
  18. Overview - National statistics policies
  19. Revisions
  20. Confidentiality policy
  21. Overview - User engagement
  22. Reports from previous user consultations
  23. Quality guidelines
  24. Statement of administrative sources
  25. Research and ad hoc analysis
  26. Historical picture statistics in Great Britain report
  27. Labour Force Survey (LFS)
  28. Occupational lung disease
  29. Work-related asthma
  30. Work-related Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  31. Silicosis and coal workers pneumoconiosis
  32. Other occupational lung disease
  33. All asbestos-related diseases
  34. Mesothelioma
  35. Mesothelioma deaths by geographical area
  36. Mesothelioma deaths by last occupation
  37. Mesothelioma deaths by geographical area interactive story map
  38. Asbestosis deaths by geographical area interactive story map
  39. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders
  40. Work-related stress, depression or anxiety
  41. Occupational cancer
  42. Work-related skin disease
  43. Hand-arm vibration
  44. Noise induced hearing loss
  45. Data Sources
  46. Index of tables

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Updated 2025-02-18