National Statistics policies
The majority of HSE's published statistics are classified as "Accredited Official Statistics". This means that the policies and practices involved in the compilation and publication of the statistics are compliant with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics[26]. This can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics meet user needs; are produced, managed and disseminated to high standards; and are well explained.
HSE has been assessed by the UK Statistics Authority on two occasions, first in 2010 and then reassessed in 2013. The respective assessment reports and HSE's response are provided below.
2013 assessment report
- UK Statistics Authority assessment report on HSE statistics 2013 (PDF) [27] (available via the National Archives)
- HSE response to the 2013 assessment report (PDF) [28] (available via the National Archives)
- Confirmation letter from UKSA (PDF) [29] (available via the National Archives)
2010 assessment report
- UK Statistics Authority assessment report on HSE statistics 2010 (PDF) [30] (available via the National Archives)
- HSE action taken to comply with requirements from assessment (PDF) [31] (available via the National Archives)
- Assessment of the feasibility of producing statistics on all work-related fatalities and injuries (PDF) [32](available via the National Archives)
Pre-release access
HSE's policy on pre-release access and the list of those receiving such access are shown below:
- HSE policy on pre-release access to statistics (PDF) [33]
- Pre-release access list for HSE statistics 2023 onwards (.xlsx) [34]
- Pre-release access list for HSE statistics 2016-18 (.xlsx) [35] (available via the National Archives)
- Pre-release access list for HSE statistics 2009 - 2015 (.xlsx) [36] (available via the National Archives)
Further information about how HSE complies with the Code of Practice and the policies we apply can be found on subsequent pages.