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Is it really about health and safety?

Sometimes health and safety is used to justify a decision, when in reality there is no health and safety legislation that applies. The information below should help you to weed out misunderstandings about health and safety law – and find out if you are dealing with a real health and safety concern. Ask yourself, 'Is it really about health and safety?'

  • Sometimes public protection decisions are mistakenly linked with health and safety at work requirements – when in fact they are covered by more specific legislation or regimes designed to protect, for example, consumers, children or road users from everyday risks.
  • Checking if there are specific legal requirements will help you and everyone affected to better understand the reasons for decisions – even if they are unpopular. It doesn't help anyone understand the decision if a vague reference to 'health and safety' is used when there is a much more specific reason. The section below has links to useful websites on public safety, health and nuisance issues.
  • If you decide it is, after all, a genuine health and safety at work issue, you can now consider what proportionate risk management means in practice[2].

Sources of guidance on public protection are available:

  • If the activity does not involve a work activity, or is an organised event that does not involve people at work, commercial services or work premises - then health and safety at work law does not apply.
  • Health and safety at work law does not generally apply to wholly volunteer-run events such as street parties. HSE has published guidance[13] that explains this in more detail.
  • Understanding what proportionate risk management means in practice[14] may help you put everyday risks into perspective. Occupational health and safety legislation is not about restricting the everyday activities that most people know how to deal with. It is about taking practical steps to protect people from real work-related harm.

Link URLs in this page

  1. proportionate risk management means in practice
  2. proportionate risk management means in practice
  3. Road safety
  4. Safeguarding of children
  5. Food hygiene
  6. Public health
  7. Water quality
  8. Licensing
  9. Planning and building control!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjtxBnJydDRwMLbzdLA09nSw_zsKBAIwN3U_1wkA6zeHMXS4gKd29TRwNPI0s3b2e_AGMDAwOIvAEO4Gig7-eRn5uqX5CdneboqKgIAGUwqho!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh
  10. Environment
  11. Statutory nuisance
  12. Product safety
  13. guidance
  14. proportionate risk management means in practice
  15. Is it really about health and safety?
  16. Is the decision proportionate to the level of risk?
  17. How do I challenge questionable decisions?
  18. Local government leadership

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Updated: 2024-12-17