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1. Overview

If you are a self-employed worker, these pages will help you:

  • understand when health and safety law applies to you
  • decide if your work poses a risk to others
  • comply with the law if applies to you

Who a self-employed worker is under the law

For health and safety law purposes, 'self-employed' means:

If you are self-employed but employ others the law will apply to you. You may be self-employed for tax purposes, but this may not be the case for health and safety.

It is a complex area and it may help you to read the advice from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in their employment status guidance about working for yourself (on GOV.UK)[6].

Link URLs in this page

  1. When health and safety law applies
  2. Deciding if your work activity creates a risk to others
  3. High-risk work activities that apply to the self-employed
  4. How to comply with the law if it applies to you
  5. contract of employment
  6. employment status guidance about working for yourself (on GOV.UK)
  7. NextpageWhen health and safety law applies
  8. View a printable version of the whole guide
  9. Health and safety law poster, free leaflet and pocket card
  10. Health and safety basics for your business
  11. Managing risks and risk assessment at work

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