RR925 - Healthy Design, Creative Safety - Approaches to health and safety teaching and learning in undergraduate schools of architecture
In January 2010, the HSE and RIBA commissioned a team from the University of Sheffield to undertake a research project into the teaching of health and safety in undergraduate schools of Architecture in the UK. The need for the research was recognized by previous studies into 'identification and management of risk in undergraduate construction courses' [2001 and 2004] which highlighted the need for schools of architecture to have a more consistent and integrated approach to the teaching of health and safety. More recently in 2009, a project looking at 'Integrating risk concepts into undergraduate engineering courses' provided a precedent for individual higher education courses to embed health and safety into their core activities in innovative ways. In 'One Death is too Many' [2009] one of the key recommendations is a review of health and safety teaching in construction industry courses at Higher Education, suggesting that graduates do not have the knowledge of health and safety issues to play their role in reducing construction deaths. It is on this foundation that the Healthy Design, Creative Safety work is built.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
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