Research Report Series: Reports 901 - 1000





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  12. RR901 - Prospective evaluation of the 1991 NIOSH Lifting Equation
  13. RR902 - Chloride stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steel - Assessing susceptibility and structural integrity
  14. RR903 - Review on the validity and reliability of self-reported work-related illness
  15. RR904 - Mists created by the use of compressed airlines for the removal of metalworking fluids - Assessment of the possible exposure health risks
  16. RR906 - Collision and injury criteria when working with collaborative robots
  17. RR908 - Vapour cloud formation: Experiments and modelling
  18. RR909 - Safety performance indicators in the explosives sector: Development of a worked example
  19. RR910 - Survival of Legionella pneumophila in metalworking fluids
  20. RR912 - Management of ageing: A framework for nuclear chemical facilities
  21. RR913 - Linking HSE activities to health and safety outcomes: A feasibility study
  22. RR914 - An evaluation of the efficacy of safer sharps devices: Systematic review
  23. RR915 - The major accident failure rates project: Concept phase
  24. RR916 - Risk assessment for VCE scenario in an aerosol warehouse
  25. RR917 - The effect of wind loading on the jib of a luffing tower crane
  26. RR918 - Mine fire detector: Combined smoke and NOx/CO sensors
  27. RR919 - Human factors that lead to non-compliance with standard operating procedures
  28. RR920 - Evaluation of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007
  29. RR921 - Occupational Health Provision on the Olympic Park and Athletes' Village: Final report
  30. RR922 - Evidence for exposure and harmful effects of diathermy plumes (surgical smoke) - Evidence based literature review
  31. RR923 - Investigation of relationship between saturated vapour concentration and real exposure to vapour
  32. RR924 - Load security on double-deck trailers
  33. RR925 - Healthy Design, Creative Safety - Approaches to health and safety teaching and learning in undergraduate schools of architecture
  34. RR926 - On-tool controls to reduce exposure to respirable dusts in the construction industry - A review
  35. RR927 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Methodology
  36. RR928 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Non-melanoma skin cancer
  37. RR929 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Oesophageal cancer
  38. RR930 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Ovarian cancer
  39. RR931 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Overview report
  40. RR932 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Pancreatic cancer
  41. RR933 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Sinonasal cancer
  42. RR934 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Soft tissue sarcoma
  43. RR935 - The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - Stomach cancer
  44. RR936 - Buncefield investigation - Liquid flow and vapour production
  45. RR937 - Flammable vapour cloud risks from tank overfilling incidents
  46. RR938 - Residual stress measurements and modelling
  47. RR939 - An investigation into mechanical aids and automation for reducing the risks of repetitive handling tasks involving the upper limbs
  48. RR940 - Suitability of Slider 55 rubber for use as a standardised slider material for the simulation of barefoot pedestrians
  49. RR941 - London 2012: The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 - Dutyholder roles and impact
  50. RR942 - Safety culture on the Olympic Park
  51. RR943 - Development of analytical methods for low molecular weight isocyanates in workplace air - Part 2 - Isocyanic Acid and Methyl Isocyanate
  52. RR944 - Synthetic biology: A review of the technology, and current and future needs from the regulatory framework in Great Britain
  53. RR945 - Potential for leaks of LPG from underground pipes into caravans and park homes
  54. RR946 - Age related changes and safety critical work - Identification of tools and a review of the literature
  55. RR947 - Investigation of techniques to discriminate between TDI and TDA exposures in biological samples
  56. RR948 - Uptake and quality of health surveillance for hand-arm vibration and noise exposure - A telephone based survey among dutyholders
  57. RR949 - Investigation of determinants of dermal exposure to enable development of a Dermal Advanced REACH Tool (DART)
  58. RR950 - Preliminary fire testing of composite offshore pedestrian gratings
  59. RR951 - Optimisation of the mechanical slip resistance test for footwear used in EN ISO 13287:2007 - Follow on study
  60. RR952 - A review of the literature on effective leadership behaviours for safety
  61. RR953 - Analysis of the correlates of self-reported work related illness in the Labour Force Survey
  62. RR954 - A comparative analysis of self-reported and medically certified incidence data on work-related illness
  63. RR955 - Pre-conditioning for success: Characteristics and factors ensuring a safe build for the Olympic Park
  64. RR956 - The Pesticide Users Health Study - An analysis of cancer incidence (1987-2004)
  65. RR957 - The Pesticide Users' Health Study - Survey of pesticide usage
  66. RR958 - The Pesticide Users' Health Study - An analysis of mortality (1987-2005)
  67. RR959 - Application of a testing regime for offshore fire dampers
  68. RR960 - Mobile elevated work platforms - Phase 3
  69. RR961 - Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) incident analysis
  70. RR962 - Survey of noise emission and risk information supplied with a range of work machinery
  71. RR963 - Exposure to hexavalent chromium, nickel and cadmium compounds in the electroplating industry
  72. RR964 - Evaluation of the HSE worker involvement training courses - Final report
  73. RR965 - An investigation into the effects of potential changes in concrete properties when aged and weathered on hand arm vibration emission magnitudes
  74. RR966 - Current Practice in health surveillance for noise
  75. RR967 - The effectiveness of BS EN ISO 28927-9:2009 concerning the vibration emission of scaling hammers and needle scalers
  76. RR968 - Study and development of a methodology for the estimation of the risk and harm to persons from wind turbines
  77. RR969 - Evaluation of proficiency in health surveillance for hand-arm vibration post Faculty of Occupational Medicine accredited training courses
  78. RR970 - Follow-up and assessment of self reports of work-related illness in the Labour Force Survey
  79. RR972 - A survey of exposure to enzymes in cleaning solutions used to clean endoscopes
  80. RR973 - Review of alarm setting for toxic gas and oxygen detectors
  81. RR974 - Identifying the human factors associated with the defeating of interlocks on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines
  82. RR975 - Assessment of subjective and objective measurement systems of earplug attenuation on an individual
  83. RR976 - Hydraulic injection injury
  84. RR977 - Occupational Hygiene implications of processing waste at Materials Recycling Facilities (MRFs): Exposure to bioaerosol and dust
  85. RR978 - Access equipment for construction work at height in residential properties
  86. RR979 - Reproductive hazards literature search: Summary
  87. RR980 - Generation of flammable mists from high flashpoint fluids: Literature review
  88. RR981 - Accuracy of photo-ionisation detectors at high concentrations of volatile organic compounds
  89. RR982 - Real time measurement of dichloromethane containing mixtures
  90. RR983 - Assessment of exposure to carcinogens and asthmagens in the contract import, processing and repackaging industries
  91. RR984 - Research to explore the effect of post 'Common Sense, Common Safety' amendment to RIDDOR Regulation 3(2) on Health and Safety Standards in Great Britain
  92. RR985 - Modelling of liquid hydrogen spills
  93. RR986 - Releases of unignited liquid hydrogen
  94. RR987 - Ignited Releases of Liquid Hydrogen
  95. RR988 - Ventilation of enclosures for removal of asbestos containing materials
  96. RR989 - The use of infra-red (tympanic) temperature as a guide to signs of heat stress in industry
  97. RR990 - Retrofit anti-vibration devices: A study of their effectiveness and influence on hand-arm vibration exposure
  98. RR991 - Response of small-scale blackpowder storage in partitioned wooden boxes to external fire
  99. RR993 - Technical input on ventilation effectiveness for area classification guidance EI15
  100. RR994 - Non destructive techniques for analysis of diesel engine exhaust emissions (DEEE) on filters
  101. RR995 - Human Factors review of gas self-isolation and restoration field trial
  102. RR996 - Review of self-isolation and restoration risk assessment models
  103. RR997 - Modelling smoke and gas ingress into offshore temporary refuges
  104. RR998 - Further work for the development of an inspection tool for risk assessment of pushing and pulling force exertion
  105. RR999 - Evaluation of the use of the pushing and pulling operations risk assessment tool by dutyholders
  106. RR1000 - Inadvertent operation of controls in excavator plant - insight, analysis and recommendations for prevention by design
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Updated 2023-08-29