Workplace health, safety and welfare

A short guide for managers

Date of publication:
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Welsh/English version[2]

This leaflet is aimed at managers. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 cover a wide range of basic health, safety and welfare issues and apply to most workplaces (except construction sites and some mineral extraction sites).

This leaflet gives a brief outline of the requirements of the Regulations, covering areas such as lighting, workstations and seating, facilities for rest and to eat meals, and maintenance.

This revision includes an additional note about drinking water, and updates the reference to smoking. It also indicates where the Workplace (HS&W) Regulations have been updated by newer legislation.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Download a free copy - INDG24
  2. Welsh/English version
  3. Workplace health, safety and welfare - ACOP
  4. Involving your workforce in health and safety: Good practice for all workplaces
  5. Workplace transport
  6. Workplace violence
  7. Risk management
  8. HSE Books +44 (0)333 202 5070
  9. Translated leaflets
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