- Date of publication:
- 2003
- 9780717626021
- Series code:
- HSG90
- The publication you are looking for has been withdrawn.
Following the Lord Young Report there was a need to review all external HSE guidance and publications. As part of this review, HSE decided to make a decision to revise and consolidate The law on VDUs: An easy guide HSG90 and Working with VDUs INDG36 (rev3) to simplify the guidance and reduce duplication.
The aim of the consolidation is to make sure the revised guidance leads employers, workers and their representatives to follow proportionate risk management.
HSG90 has been replaced by Working with display screen equipment (DSE): A brief guide INDG36 (rev4)[1]. There has been no change to HSE's approach to health and safety policy in the newly revised publication. All pertinent information from HSG90 has been incorporated into the revised guidance.