Aerial spraying permit arrangements

Application plan for aerial spraying

Anyone carrying out aerial spraying must make sure that:

  • spraying is done in line with an approved Application Plan
  • specific spray operations have been permitted by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The Application Plan must be completed by aerial spraying operators. You can use the templates below.

Submit your plan to with the appropriate covering letter and suitable map of the area to be treated.

It will help us (and you) if you send separate application plans for jobs:

  • in or within protected areas
  • not in or within protected areas
  • grouped by county

There are plans for operations to control bracken. Additional Plans may be developed for other situations (for example, control of potato blight).

The Application Plan can (but does not have to) include details of specific spray operations.

HSE aims to process requests to approve fully completed Application Plans and permits within 10 working days. However, where HSE has legislative obligations to take account of the views of conservation agencies (typically where spraying takes place in or close to a conservation area), it will be necessary to 'stop the clock' while this consultation takes place. Applicants should take account of this when considering the timing of submission of Application Plans. You must include a provisional time and date of spraying that gives us enough time to process your application and issue the permit.

HSE will consider approving Application Plans and/or permitting spray operations which meet the requirements set out in the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012. The law also allows us to withdraw or amend permits in certain circumstances.

You must of course, comply with all other laws regarding the use of plant protection products (PPPs). Retain your paperwork for at least 3 years, this will enable HSE to undertake relevant compliance work.

Application of pesticides by drone

HSE currently considers the application of pesticides by drone to be aerial spraying. So it is subject to the permitting arrangements described above.

Current regulations do not prevent drone spraying and do not impose specific requirements beyond those which generally apply. HSE needs to be satisfied that spraying can be done without causing harm to human health or having unacceptable effects on the environment.

We are leading work with drone operators and other relevant industries to develop a shared understanding of the risks to ensure drone spraying can be done safely.

HSE will accept requests to permit the application of pesticides by drone. As this is a new and developing technology, potential applicants are advised to contact us to discuss the best approach to address the regulatory requirements.


Further information

Reducing spray drift[3]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Application plan bracken and asulam England 2023
  2. Aerial spraying update template 2023
  3. Reducing spray drift
  4. Codes of Practice
  5. Pesticide/Plant Protection Product Databases
  6. Application forms

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Updated 2025-01-09