Major Scheme Publications Produced Since 1976

  1. Hamilton, G.A., Hunter, K., Ritchie, A.S., Ruthven, A.D., Brown, P.M. and Stanley, P.I. (1976). Poisoning of wild geese by carbophenothion-treated winter wheat. Pestic. Sci. 7:175-183.
  2. Brown, P.M., Bunyan, P.J. and Stanley, P.I. (1977). The investigation and pattern of occurrence of animal poisoning resulting from the misuse of agricultural chemicals. J. Forens. Sci. Soc. 17: 211-221.
  3. Stanley, P.I. and St Joseph, A.K.M. (1979). Poisoning of Dark-bellied Brent Geese in Essex, February 1979. Wildfowl. 30:154.
  4. Felton, C.L., Brown, P.M., Fletcher, M.R., Stanley, P.I., Quick, M.P. and Machin, A.F. (1981). Bird poisoning following the use of warble fly treatments containing famphur. Veterinary Record, 108: 440.
  5. Keymer, I.F., Fletcher, M.R. and Stanley, P.I. (1981). Causes of mortality in British Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). In: Recent Advances in Study of Raptor Diseases. Cooper, J.E. and Greenwood, A.G. (Eds.), Chiron Publications, Keighley. pp. 143-151.
  6. Hamilton, G.A., Ruthven, A.D., Findlay, E., Hunter, K. and Lindsay, D.A. (1981). Wildlife deaths in Scotland resulting from misuse of agricultural chemicals. Biological Conservation, 21: 315-326.
  7. Fletcher, M.R. and Hardy, A.R. (1983). Wildlife poisoning incidents from agricultural pesticides in England and Wales. Proceedings 10th International Congress Plant Protection, 2: 725.
  8. Hardy, A.R., Fletcher, M.R. and Stanley, P.I. (1986). Pesticides and wildlife: Twenty years of vertebrate wildlife incidents investigated by MAFF. State Veterinary Journal, 40: 182-192.
  9. Hardy, A.R., Greig-Smith, P.W. and Stanley, P.I. (1987). Birds as indicators of the intensity of use of agricultural pesticides in the UK. In The Value of Birds. Diamond, A.W. and Filion, J. (Eds.), ICBP Technical Publication no.6. pp. 119-132.
  10. Brown, R.A., Hardy, A.R., Greig-Smith, P.W. and Edwards, P.J. (1988). Assessing the impact of rodenticides on the environment. OEPP/EPPO Bull., 18: 283-292.
  11. Greig-Smith, P.W. (1988). Wildlife hazards from the use, misuse and abuse of pesticides. Aspects of Appl. Biol., 17: 247-256.
  12. Greig-Smith, P.W. (1988). Hazards to wildlife from pesticide seed treatments. In Application to seed and soil. Martin, T.J. (Ed.). Monograph no.39, BCPC. pp. 127-134.
  13. Greig-Smith, P.W. (1989). Tracking the safety of pesticides for wildlife. British Sugar Beet Review. 57: 23-27.
  14. Greig-Smith, P.W. (1990). Understanding the impact of pesticides on wild birds by monitoring incidents of poisoning. In Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modelling: integrated studies of agroecosystems. Kendall, R.J. and Lacher, T.E. (Eds.), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton. pp. 301-319.
  15. Greig-Smith, P.W. (1990). Investigations of honeybee poisoning by pesticides in the UK, 1981-1989. Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Harmonisation of Methods for Testing the Toxicity of Pesticides to Bees. Research Institute of Apiculture, Dol, Czechoslovakia 1990, pp 29-34.
  16. Greig-Smith, P.W. (1991). Use of cholinesterase measurements in the surveillance of wildlife poisoning in farmland. In Cholinesterase-inhibiting insecticides. Mineau, P. (Ed.). Elsevier. pp. 127-150.
  17. Fletcher, M.R. and Grave, R.C. (1992). Post-registration surveillance to detect wildlife problems arising from approved pesticides. Proceedings British Crop Protection Council - Pests and Diseases 1992, 2: 793-798.
  18. Hart, A.D.M. and Greig-Smith, P.W. (1992). Validation of environmental risk assessment procedures for pesticides. Proceedings British Crop Protection Council - Pests and Diseases 1992, 2: 799-804.
  19. Fletcher, M.R., Greig-Smith, P.W. and Stevenson, J.H. (1994). The Scheme to investigate the suspected poisoning of honeybees by agricultural chemicals in England and Wales. In: Proceedings 5th International Symposium on the Hazards of Pesticides to Bees. Appendix 18, pp.139-145: Plant Protection Service, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  20. Fletcher, M.R. (1994). Pesticide poisoning of wildfowl in England and Wales. Wildfowl, 45: 255-259.
  21. Greig-Smith, P.W., Thompson, H.M., Hardy, A.R., Bew, M.H., Findlay, E. and Stevenson, J.H. (1994). Incidents of poisoning of honeybees (Apis mellifera) by agricultural pesticides in Great Britain 1981-1991. Crop Protection. 13: 567-581.
  22. Hunter, K. (1995). The poisoning of non-target animals. In: Pesticides - Development, Impacts, and Controls. Best, G.A. and Ruthven, A.D. (Eds.) RSC publications pp 74-86.
  23. Brown, P., Charlton, A., Cuthbert, M., Barnett, E., Ross, L., Green, M., Gillies, E., Shaw, K. and Fletcher, M. (1996). Identification of pesticide poisoning in wildlife. J. Chromatogr. A., 753: 463-478.
  24. Barnett, E.A., Fletcher, M.R., Brown, P.M. and Charlton, A. J. (1997). Changing patterns of pesticide poisoning incidents of bees in England and Wales in recent years. In: Proceedings 6th International Symposium on the Hazards of Pesticides to Bees. Appendix 21, 1-9 :Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Braunschweig, Germany.
  25. Barnett, E.A. and Fletcher, M.R. (1998). The poisoning of animals from the negligent use of pesticides. Proceedings British Crop Protection Council - Pests and Diseases 1998, 1: 279-284.
  26. Mineau, P., Fletcher, M.R., Glaser, L.C., Thomas, N.J., Brassard, C., Wilson, L.K., Elliott, J.E., Lyon, L.A., Henny, C.J., Bollinger, T. and Porter, S.L. (1999). Poisoning of raptors with organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides with emphasis on Canada, U.S. and U.K. J. Raptor Res., 33: 1-37.
  27. Edwards, P.J., Fletcher, M.R. and Berny, P. (2000). Review of the factors affecting the decline of the European brown hare, Lepus europaeus (Pallas, 1778) and the use of wildlife incident data to evaluate the significance of paraquat. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 79: 95-103.
  28. Erickson W and Urban D, (2002). Potential risks of nine rodenticides to birds and non-target mammals: A comparative approach. US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
  29. Fletcher, Mark and Barnett, Libby (2003). Bee pesticide poisoning incidents in the United Kingdom. Bulletin of Insectology, 56(1): 141-145.
  30. Shore, RF, Fletcher, MR and Walker, LA (2003). Agricultural pesticides and mammals in Britain. In Conservation and Conflict: Mammals and farming in Britain (eds. F. Tattersall and W. Manley). Linnean Society Occasional Publication 4, The Linnean Society, London, pp. 37-50.
  31. Fletcher, MR and Barnett, EA (2004). Bendiocarb poisoning in a green woodpecker. Vet. Record, 155(16): 503-504.
  32. Hunter, K, Taylor, MJ, Sharp, EA, Melton, LM and Bouhellec, S Le (2004). Determination of chloralose residues in animal tissues by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 805: 303-330.
  33. Brown, Peter M, Turnbull, Gordon, Charman, Sheonaidh, Charlton, Andrew JA and Jones, Ainsley (2005). Analytical Methods Used in the United Kingdom Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme for the Detection of Animal Poisoning by Pesticide. Journal of AOAC International, 88(1): 204-220.
  34. Clook, M and Fletcher, M (2005). Linking Terrestrial Vertebrate Risk Assessment to Effects in the Field. In Liess M, Brown C, Dohmen P, Duquesne S, Hart A, Heimbach F, Kreuger J, Lagadic L, Maund S, Reinert W, Streloke M, and Tarazona JV (eds) Effects of pesticides in the field. Brussels (BE): Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). pp 66-69.
  35. A J A Charlton and A Jones (2007). Determination of imidazole and triazole fungicide residues in honeybees using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1141, pp 117-122.
  36. Barnett, EA, Charlton AJ and Fletcher MR (2007). Incidents of bee poisoning with pesticides in the United Kingdom, 1994-2003. Pest Management Science, 63:11, 1051-1057.

The results of the scheme have also been widely used in several other publications.

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