The results of the enquiries made by the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS) are for the first time published quarterly on the PSD website. Because these results are published much sooner than has been the case before, it is possible that investigations relating to certain cases may still be ongoing. We will publish updates to these cases as further information becomes available.
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals: Fourth Quarter Results October to December 2006
Of the 76 cases accepted into the scheme this quarter, 15 were pesticide poisonings. These were allocated by category, as follows:
- 0 cases were approved use,
- 7 cases were misuse,
- 5 cases were abuse,
- 3 cases were of unspecified use: the cause of death was uncertain or the incident could not be classed as being in one of the other categories,
- 0 cases involved veterinary products.
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals 2006 Quarter 4 (Q4) Report (PDF) [1] (pdf, 3 pages). Published 24 April 2007
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals: Third Quarter Results July to September 2006
Of the 89 cases accepted into the scheme this quarter, 29 were pesticide poisonings. These were allocated by category, as follows:
- 0 cases were approved use,
- 6 cases were misuse,
- 18 cases were abuse,
- 4 cases were of unspecified use: the cause of death was uncertain or the incident could not be classed as being in one of the other categories,
- 1 case involved veterinary products.
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals 2006 Quarter 3 (Q3) Report (PDF) [2] (pdf, 3 pages). Published 13 February 2007
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals: Second Quarter Results April to June 2006
Of the 117 cases accepted into the scheme this quarter, 38 were pesticide poisonings. These were allocated by category, as follows:
- 0 case was approved use,
- 4 cases were misuse,
- 30 cases were abuse,
- 4 cases were of unspecified use: the cause of death was uncertain or the incident could not be classed as being in one of the other categories,
- 0 cases involved veterinary products.
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals 2006 Quarter 2 (Q2) Report (PDF) [3] (pdf, 3 pages). Published 9 November 2006, Updated 13 February 2007.
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals: First Quarter Results January to March 2006
Of the 105 cases accepted into the scheme this quarter, 28 were pesticide poisonings. These were allocated by category, as follows:
- 2 cases were approved use,
- 6 cases were misuse,
- 13 cases were abuse,
- 7 cases were of unspecified use: the cause of death was uncertain or the incident could not be classed as being in one of the other categories,
- 0 cases were of veterinary use.
Pesticides Poisoning of Animals 2006 Quarter 1 (Q1) Report (PDF) [4] (pdf, 4 pages). Published 20 July 2006, Updated 13 February 2007.
If you would like an Excel version of these results, email us or ring 01904 455707.
If you have any feedback on any of the reports from this page, please send comments to: