Under the Northern Ireland Protocol to the Withdrawal Agreement (NIP), EU law applies in Northern Ireland.
EU MRLs apply to food or feed produced in or imported into and marketed within Northern Ireland. Any EU decisions on MRLs will apply in Northern Ireland.
Information on EU law on MRLs is available on the European Commission website.
Search for EU MRLs in the European Commission's EU pesticides database.
New MRLs
If the proposed use of a PPP (plant protection product) in Northern Ireland may lead to residues exceeding the EU MRL, you must apply to change the EU MRL before use of the PPP can be authorised.
To import produce into Northern Ireland with residues exceeding the EU MRL, you must apply for an import tolerance before importing treated produce.
An application to raise an EU MRL would need to be submitted to the Competent Authority of an EU Member State. Details of the EU MRL processes are available on the European Commission MRL webpages.
More on Northern Ireland and pesticides regulation is available in the guidance regulating pesticides in the UK after Brexit.