HSE will review maximum residue levels (MRLs) established in Great Britain and a formal MRL review programme will be co-ordinated with the GB active substance renewal programme.
Before a formal MRL review programme is established, HSE will review MRLs when necessary, for example to protect public health. This will include considering the proposals and outcomes of decisions made by:
- other regulatory authorities
- international organisations such as the JMPR (Joint Meeting of the FAO/WHO on Pesticide Residues) and CCPR (Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues)
Providing additional information
HSE will publish a draft reasoned opinion on this website and inform stakeholders about it via our eBulletin service.
Subscribe to pesticide eBulletins.
HSE can take additional information into account to retain an MRL during the MRL review in Great Britain, if provided by a specified deadline. The submission deadline will be outlined in the draft reasoned opinion and eBulletin.
The following information can be taken into account:
- good agricultural practice (GAP)
- evidence of an authorisation
- relevant assessments undertaken in other countries
- data required by regulations made under Article 8(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, including, where appropriate:
- toxicological data
- data on routine analytical methods for use in control laboratories
- plant and animal metabolism data
The above process is applicable where an MRL is not fully supported by data but a risk to human health is unlikely. The process will not apply where consumer risk assessment issues have been identified e.g. for all MRLs as part of the non-approval decision of an active substance. If new data are available or a new MRL is required, you can highlight this during the MRL review and submit it as part of an MRL application.
Find out how to apply for a new MRL
HSE is unable to accept comments on the draft assessment or enter into any correspondence. Draft proposals that may impact trade will be notified to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
Updates on MRL reviews
HSE will:
- publish a final reasoned opinion
- publish a decision document
- update the GB MRL register
- send an eBulletin to stakeholders
The decision document will lay out:
- the final MRLs that will be implemented in Great Britain
- any independent scientific advice sought during the assessment and/or the opinion of other government departments
- the date the new MRLs will come into force
- any commodities to which transitional measures do not apply due to public health concerns
- any supplementary information required to retain the MRLs and the data submission deadline
Search for draft and final reasoned opinions, decision documents, SPS notifications and status updates for MRL reviews in the GB MRL publications spreadsheet.