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Worker exposure

This guidance outlines the requirements for the non-dietary exposure assessment of workers in contact with plant protection products (PPP).

Workers are defined as people who, as part of their employment, enter an area that has been treated with a PPP or handle a crop that has been treated with a PPP. Examples of worker activities can include inspection, irrigation, hand harvesting and crop maintenance. It is assumed that workers and operators are separate individuals. Workers do not carry out pesticide application, therefore are often not aware what PPP they are in contact with.

Worker exposure to active substances and toxicologically relevant compounds in a PPP are assessed following Article 7.2.3 of European Commission Regulation Number (EC) 284/2013[1].

Assessing worker exposure

All applications received by HSE must reflect the correct guidance and exposure models[2].

Link URLs in this page

  1. European Commission Regulation Number (EC) 284/2013
  2. guidance and exposure models
  3. Codes of Practice
  4. Pesticide/Plant Protection Product Databases
  5. Application forms

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Updated 2025-01-08