Application is partially or completely successful
As appropriate to the type of application, we will send you the following information electronically via email or the e-approvals system (where you have chosen to receive your authorisation in this way).
This will specify:
- the type of authorisation or permit given
- any changes required to the draft product label
- details of any confirmatory data required
- details of any proposed uses or proposed label claims that have been refused
- comments on the protection status for the data submitted in support of your application – more about data protection
- other additional information
Notice of Authorisation
This will detail:
- the governing legislation
- the extent of the authorisation (Great Britain or Northern Ireland)
- the product identity (including the product's unique Ministerially Authorised Pesticide Product (MAPP) number)
- the authorisation holder and marketing company
- relevant dates of expiry
- the statutory conditions of use for the product and any additional advisory information
- a reference to the product's formulation details (confidential)
More on the structure of a Notice of Authorisation.
Copy of the registration report
The registration report supplied to the applicant will not contain part C (confidential information section) because, in some instances, there may be data provided from parties other than the applicant or authorisation holder.
If the application is unsuccessful
As appropriate to the type of application, we will send you a detailed letter. And, if relevant, a copy of the registration report explaining why we have refused your application and specifying the data requirements to be addressed if you wish to apply for authorisation again.
We will email this information to you.
Authorisation expiry
Under Regulation 1107/2009, an expiry date is set for the sale of the product with further dates specified to authorise storage and use beyond the sale expiry date. Consequently, dates will be set on most authorisations to reflect the expiry dates for sale, storage and use.
The 'authorisation end' (expiry date) reflects the maximum duration and grace period specified in Regulation 1107/2009.
With the exception of permits for trial purposes (Article 54), EAMUs (Article 51) and where confirmatory data requirements have been set:
(a) [1 year from expiry date of earliest active substance] except as set out in (b) and (c)
(b) [Date (a) plus 6 months] for sale and distribution of existing stocks
(c) [Date (b) plus 12 months] for the disposal, storage and use of existing stocks
The (a) date relates to Article 32 (Duration) which states that the duration of an authorisation shall be set for a period not exceeding 1 year from the date of the expiry of the approval of the active substance.
The (b) and (c) dates relate to Article 46 (grace period) which states that where an authorisation is withdrawn or amended or is not renewed, a grace period may be granted which shall not exceed 6 months for the sale and distribution, with an additional maximum of 1 year for the disposal, storage and use of existing stocks.
However, these dates are subject to change, for example, when a decision is taken on an active substance(s), then expiry dates may be reduced and a shorter phased withdrawal period applied.
Withdrawal of pesticide product authorisations and permits.
The format of expiry dates will differ when the approval (authorisation) is issued under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1987 (COPR).
Great Britain (GB) and European Union (EU) expiry dates
Where the active substance expiry dates are different in EU (relevant to Northern Ireland (NI)) and GB, the product expiry dates will generally be determined based on the earliest of the 2 dates (in most cases the EU date). This is to minimise divergence.
Occasionally it may be necessary to authorise products with different dates in GB and NI, for example following withdrawal of the active in EU but not GB. To reflect this, almost identical entries may appear on the HSE databases for the same product MAPP number.
Withdrawal of authorisation
A decision may be taken to withdraw an authorisation or permit under the conditions specified in Regulation 1107/2009 as it applies in Great Britain or Northern Ireland.
Find out more about the withdrawal of pesticide product authorisations and permits.
Authorisation holders can also withdraw their product, use or container for commercial reasons.
More on commercial withdrawal.
Authorisation holder obligations
Adverse data
Authorisation holders have an on-going obligation to submit immediately any new data or information on the potentially dangerous effects of an active substance or product. These data are known as 'adverse' and your obligations are specified on your notice of authorisation.
More on adverse data notifications.
Meeting data requirements
If data requirements for continuing authorisation have been set, you must address them within 12 months of the expiry date specified on the authorisation. Otherwise authorisation for your product, or the specific use or container, will expire or be withdrawn.
More on data submission deadlines
Renewal of active substance approval
When an active substance has its approval renewed under Regulation 1107/2009, you will need to renew your product authorisation in accordance with Article 43. You will need to update the data packages (or dossiers) previously submitted in support of the products and carry out an assessment to the renewal end points and current guidance.
More on the renewal of pesticide product authorisation.
Notifying classification and labelling changes
A standard template is available to notify us of changes to classification, labelling and packaging (CLP).
Notifying non-significant formulation changes (NSFC)
Authorisation holders can make changes to the formulation of their product where that change does not require any consideration of its impact on the product's supporting risk assessment.
Changes to the product
Any changes you wish to make to a product must be applied for and authorised.
More on pesticide applications made after the product is authorised.