Documentation for commercial authorisations, Trials Permits or Extension of Minor Use (EAMU) (including emergency authorisations), will consist of a recommendation letter and a Notice of Authorisation or Permit.
The Notice of Authorisation or Permit, for any authorisation unless specifically stated, will specify the following :
- the governing legislation for the authorisation, the level of authorisation and whether authorisation is for sale, distribution, disposal, storage and use or any combination of these
- the Extent of the Authorisation and/or Trials Permit detailing where it can be used: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- the product identity, including its tradename and registration (MAPP) number. A MAPP number is not always applicable for Emergency Authorisations or Trials Permits
- your product's formulation type, and quantity/identity of the active substance(s) (a.s.)
- for a commercial authorisation and selected Trials Permits, full details of the a.s. manufacturing source and formulation recipe are also given in a confidential appendix. You must only market your product if it consists of this formulation and you must apply for a new authorisation if you wish to change the formulation in any way
- the authorisation holder and marketing company for your product. If these are identical, the marketing company will not be specified
- the relevant date(s) of expiry for use of the Authorisation and/or Trials Permit
- Explanatory Notes includes further background information.
- for Emergency Authorisations there may be additional use restrictions specified
- for commercial authorisations and emergency authorisations, the size, material and design of the packaging authorised for your product
- for commercial authorisations, a reference to the draft product label (date of submission and HSE reference). The recommendation letter will provide details of the changes required to the draft label in order that your product can be placed on the market in accordance with the authorisation and the underlying safety and efficacy assessment
- for commercial authorisations the CLP classification of the product
- for Trials Permits, details of any additional conditions of storage or advertisement required
- details of the conditions of use which will include:
- the field of use. This will specify whether your product is authorised for use by amateur or professional users, the purpose for which the product is intended (for example use as a herbicide)
- the crops and/or situations on which your product can be used
- for a Trials Permit the maximum area that can be treated on an annual basis
- if necessary, the maximum individual and maximum total doses for specific crops and/or situations
- if necessary, the maximum number of treatments for specific crops and/or situations
- if necessary, the latest time of application for specific crops and/or situations
- the requirements for the protection of users of your product
- the requirements for the protection of the environment with the use of your product
- any other restrictions that need to be specified for the use of your product, for example, a maximum concentration for the use of your product on an individual crop
- details of your obligations regarding adverse data
- the COP number for your application
- a unique number for your Notice of Authorisation and Trials Permit
- details of any authorisation(s) superseded (or being replaced) by the new authorisation
- for an EAMU, advisory information on the use of the product under the EAMU
- a 'general conditions' section to reinforce the authorisation holder's obligations regarding labelling, packaging, mixing, adverse effects and the provision of information
- a 'confidential conditions' section specifying the active substance sources including data owners and the authorised formulation reference (technical specification) and required classification labelling. Where there are no issues relating to 3rd party confidentiality, the full formulation details of the authorised product will also be stated. Please note that the confidential conditions section will not be published on the website