
An active substance can only be used within a plant protection product (PPP) in Great Britain if it's approved. 

You can apply for approval if you're the producer of the active substance.

Process steps

These give a summary of the process steps and link to further guidance.

Step 1: Pre-submission meeting

Optional meeting where HSE will provide advice and identify potential issues.

More on pre-submission meeting

Step 2: Submission of application and supporting dossier

Dossier submitted by producer (applicant) to HSE.

More on the submission of application and supporting dossier

Step 3: Admissibility check

Admissibility check will be completed within 45 days.

Admissibility reported to applicant and GB Competent Authorities.

Applicant has 3 months to address missing elements.

Summary dossier made publicly available (excluding confidential information).

More on the admissibility check

Step 4: Evaluation

Evaluation completed within 12 months.

Applicant has 6 months to provide additional information.

Draft assessment report (DAR) circulated to applicant and GB Competent authorities.

More on evaluation

Step 5: Public consultation and independent scientific advice (ISA)

ISA sought from the Expert Committee on Pesticides (ECP) if required.

Draft assessment report (DAR) made publicly available (excluding confidential information). Public have 60 days to comment.

Additional information may be required based on feedback from the ISA and consultation. Further ISA of consultation may be required.

More on consultation and ISA

Step 6: HSE conclusion

Conclusion on whether the active substance meets the approval criteria is prepared within 120 days of the end of consultation.

If independent scientific advice (ISA) is obtained, 90 more days are allowed for preparation of the conclusion.

More on conclusion

Step 7: Approval decision

Competent Authorities decide on approval of the substance within 6 months.

HSE seeks prior approval from GB ministers to carry out the decision-making function as delegated to HSE.

Conclusion documents and final Assessment Report (AR) made publicly available (excluding confidential information).

GB approvals register updated.

More on the decision

Phased submissions

Phased submissions are a type of procedure for new active substances. They include a pre-application study evaluation that recognises that many studies are available ahead of a planned submission. They're optional and acceptance is subject to HSE agreement.

Find out more in our guide on phased submission

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Updated 2024-03-25->->->->->