The basics
Pesticide products and active substances authorisation in the UK
Regulating pesticides after Brexit
Pesticides regulatory regime in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Active substance approval
Active substances approvals and renewals
Maximum residue levels (MRLs)
Find out about MRLs, check the MRL register or apply for a new MRL
Aims and scope of the Food and Environment Protection Act and the The Control of Pesticides Regulations
Applicant guide
How to place a pesticide product on the UK market
Data Requirements
Analytical methods, toxicology, residues, environmental fate and ecotoxicology.
Reporting incidents and enforcement
Reporting issues and how we enforce
User areas
Further information for Farmers and Growers, Garden use, Members of the Public, Research
Commodity Substances
Carbon dioxide, ethylene, Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate (Bicarbonate) and urea
Register work involving pesticides
Who does not need to register, who needs to register and regulations
Using, Storing and Disposing of Plant Protection Products
Frequently asked questions, codes of practice and reducing spray drift.
Reducing Environmental Impact
Arrangements to monitor the way plant protection products are used and effects they have
Currently authorised products, extensions of authorisation, adjuvants and basic substances
Efficacy guides
Evaluations and guidelines, low-risk plant protection products, testing facilities.
Contact us
Contact details for enquiries
A to Z
Pesticides A to Z index
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