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Freedom of Information

Since the UK left the EU, the Offshore Major Accident Regulator (OMAR) is now the UKs Offshore Competent Authority (previously known as the Offshore Safety Directive Regulator (OSDR). How HSE regulate the offshore industry stays the same. Our guidance will be updated to reflect this change.

OMAR disclosure of information

  • Document Identification: Disclosure of Information
  • Publication Date: 28/11/2022 (Rev 1)
  • Review Due: November 2027
  • Target Audience: All Stakeholders
  • Internal Reference: CM9: 2021/205646 
  • Document Owner: OMAR Working Group

This document outlines the working arrangements between HSE (ED) and the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment & Decommissioning (OPRED) (OPRED) in relation to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).

Disclosure of Information is not exclusive to the Offshore Major Accident Regulator partnership activities.  All areas of mutual interest will be handled via this process.

Further information on HSE and OPRED FOI and EIR policy can be found at:

The FOI Act and EIR came into force in UK law on 1 January 2005. The aim of FOI and EIR is to make public authorities more open and accountable. The legislation provides a general right of access to information, subject to exemptions, exceptions and qualifications. HSE (ED) and OPRED have an obligation to respond to requests for access to information under this legislation and are legally obliged to respond within strict and prescribed deadlines.

HSE (ED) and OPRED working arrangements

Where disclosure of information may impact on the other organisation, HSE (ED)/OPRED will share information to ensure an appropriate and aligned approach recognising that HSE (ED) and OPRED will have to comply with FOI and EIR legal obligation to disclose information.  This means:

  • making each other aware of any request for information of common interest;
  • making each other aware of any significant disclosure of information to the public;
  • meetings to share issues, experiences and good practice;
  • requests by either organisation for the exchange of information with the other to be met under normal business, subject to any statutory provisions; and
  • co-operation and assistance where appropriate.

Methods of communication

  • HSE (ED) will contact OPRED via on receipt of any information request of common interest; OPRED will contact HSE via OPREDliaison@hse.  on receipt of any new information request of common interest;
  • HSE (ED)/OPRED will keep each other advised on progress and response dates for information requests;
  • HSE (ED) and OPRED will consider the need to convene a meeting to review the working arrangements, and to share experiences as required.

Link URLs in this page

  1. OMAR
  2. Overview - The Competent Authority
  3. OMAR Governance
  4. Appeals Process
  5. Freedom of Information
  6. Enforcement Policies
  7. Cost Recovery Guidance
  8. Overview - OMAR Operations and Guidance
  9. Guidance Regulations
  10. Design / Relocation Notifications
  11. Overview - Safety Cases
  12. Safety Case Topic Specialist Assessment Templates and Guidance
  13. Dismantlement Safety Cases
  14. Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (OPEP)
  15. Well Notifications
  16. Combined Operations Notifications
  17. Thorough Reviews
  18. Requesting an Exemption
  19. Investigation
  20. Inspection
  21. OMAR Consultation on Licensing and Appointment of Operators
  22. Overview - Reporting
  23. Reporting Incidents to OMAR
  24. Confidential Reporting to OMAR
  25. Offshore publications
  26. Overview - OMAHAC
  27. Further information
  28. Meetings
  29. Membership
  30. News and events
  31. Latest from the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning
  32. Disclosure of information

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Updated: 2024-06-12