How to make a complaint about the Offshore Major Accident Regulator (OMAR)
Since the UK left the EU, the Offshore Major Accident Regulator (OMAR) is now the UK's Offshore Competent Authority (previously known as the Offshore Safety Directive Regulator (OSDR). How HSE regulate the offshore industry stays the same. Our guidance will be updated to reflect this change.
If you are unhappy with how OMAR personnel have dealt with you, we want to know. We want to put things right, and we always welcome suggestions to help us improve our performance.
You should initially try to resolve the issue with the person you have been dealing with. Most complaints are settled in this way, very often immediately.
If the issue remains unresolved you can ask to speak, or if you prefer write, to the person's line manager. The line manager will investigate the circumstances and inform you of the outcome. We aim to respond within ten to fifteen working days.
If you still remain unsatisfied HSE and DECC have further arrangements in place to help resolve the issue:
You can also write to your MP[33] to take up your case with us or with Ministers. Your MP may also ask the The Office of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman[34] to review your complaint.
Important Note
This process should not be used for appeals relating to regulatory decisions OMAR has made, as detailed within the appeals process within the Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Case etc.) Regulations 2015. For such matters you should use the pre-appeal and, if necessary, appeal process as detailed within the associated OMAR business process framework[35].