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List of references and links to Silicosis[28]

Strategies and plans

Healthy Lung Partnership (HLP)[29]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Control of exposure to silica dust: A guide for employees
  2. Construction Information Sheet No 36 Revision 1
  3. Silica – How WEL are you managing the risks (Quarries)
  4. COSHH essentials for stonemasons: Silica (ST series 0-4)
  5. COSHH essentials for construction: Silica (CN series 0-11)
  6. COSHH essentials in brick and tile making (BK series 0-7)
  7. COSHH essentials for manufacturing: Silica (MN series 0-4)
  8. COSHH essentials in quarries: Silica (QY series 0-10)
  9. COSHH essentials: General guidance (G404). Health surveillance for those exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS)
  10. Health surveillance for those exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) - Guidance for occupational health professionals
  11. Construction health risks
  12. Quarries silica health information
  13. Construction site: Asbestos - What you need to do
  14. Cancer and construction
  15. Health & Safety Laboratory - Table indicating likely work-related health risks by trade
  16. HSE statistics for all occupational diseases, including respiratory
  17. Occupational asthma cases reported by industry
  18. Occupational asthma cases reported by trade
  19. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema
  20. Work-related and occupational respiratory diseases table
  21. Video case study: Terry the former stoneworker suffering with silicosis
  22. Video case study: Dr David Fishwick interviews asthma sufferer Phil Hynes
  23. Poultry dust video
  24. Roy Gamble - Bricklayer
  25. Kevin & Tony Winter - Stone workers
  26. Graham Higgins - Brick worker
  27. Pat Goodacre - Textiles worker
  28. List of references and links to Silicosis
  29. Healthy Lung Partnership (HLP)

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Updated: 2025-03-26