Healthy Lung Partnership (HLP)

This partnership coordinates activity to reduce work-related lung disease. 

Members include HSE, other government departments, trade associations, trade unions and third-sector and professional bodies.

HLP's aim is to become a recognised presence in the occupational health world by engaging with and influencing other stakeholders and health professionals across Great Britain to tackle work-related lung disease.  

The partnership shares, promotes and encourages good control practice in the workplace to prevent and reduce exposure to hazardous substances that damage the lungs. 

HLP member organisations

  • Asthma UK
  • British Lung Foundation (BLF)
  • British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)
  • British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF)
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Chemical Industries Association (CIA)
  • Department of Health (DoH)
  • EEF The Manufacturers' Organisation
  • Extraction Manufacturers and Designers Association (EMADA) 
  • European Lung Foundation (ELF)
  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
  • Healthy Liverpool Programme (HLP)
  • Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
  • Institute of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers (ILEVE)
  • National Health Service (NHS)
  • Public Health England (PHE)
  • Safety Groups UK (SGUK)
  • Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM)
  • Unite the Union

HLP terms of reference


To work both together and independently in co-ordination to reduce the incidence of occupational respiratory disease due to the inhalation of substances hazardous to health in the workplace.

To share, promote and encourage good control practices in the workplace to reduce workplace exposures to hazardous substances.  

To ensure consistency of key messages across HLP members.   

To engage and influence other occupational health professionals and stakeholders to promote the aims of the HLP.    

The Healthy Lung Partnership will:

  • Build upon the previous work of the Asthma Partnership Board
  • Map out causative agents and sectors affected to identify and prioritise the work of the HLP 
  • Produce an HLP action plan with a solutions based approach
  • Deliver on agreed activities including awareness raising initiatives/campaigns 
  • Show leadership and champion the cause of reducing occupational respiratory disease

Healthy Lung Partnership membership:

  • All members of the working group are equal
  • Membership is organisation based with attendees at meetings representing their organisation
  • Members will support and actively contribute to the HLP activities and initiatives
  • Bring individual expertise to the issue of tackling occupational respiratory disease
  • If agreed it is needed, sub-working groups made of HLP members will be set up to take forward task and finish work strands

Healthy Lung Partnership meetings and resources:

  • HSE to hold the Chair and provide Secretariat support. When the working group is fully established, rotation of Chair will be considered 
  • A full meeting of the HLP will be held twice a year (if a member is unable to attend every effort should be made to provide a suitable replacement representative)
  • In-between full members' face-to-face meetings, video/telephone conferencing facilities will be used as required  
  • Meeting locations will be across the UK to ensure fairness for travel arrangements
  • Participation in the working group is funded by members themselves

Strategies and plans

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Updated: 2022-05-23