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Lone workers - your health and safety

You're a lone worker if you work by yourself without close or direct supervision.

What your employer must do

Your employer has specific duties to protect you as a lone worker. This also applies if you're working for them as a contractor, a freelancer or are self-employed.

Our guidance for employers[1] includes advice on:

  • providing you with support and training
  • keeping in contact with you
  • preventing work-related violence

What you must do

Like any worker, you must take care of your own health and safety and that of others who may be harmed by your actions at work.

You must cooperate with your employers and other workers to help everyone meet their duties under the law.

Find out if health and safety law applies to you if you're self-employed[2].

How to raise any concerns

If you're concerned about health and safety risks to you as a lone worker, talk to:

  • your employer
  • a manager or supervisor
  • a health and safety representative

Link URLs in this page

  1. guidance for employers
  2. self-employed
  3. Protecting lone workers: How to control the risks of working alone (INDG73)
  4. Lone workers: how employers should protect them
  5. Advice on work-related violence
  6. Self-employed workers

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