5. Working environment and accidents
You must take reasonable steps to make sure your workers have a safe place to work when at home.
Electrical equipment
Ask your workers to visually check for any damage to sockets, plugs or leads used in connection with their work. Give them advice on the hazards of overloaded extension cables.
You are only responsible for electrical equipment[5] you have provided to your workers, but you should make sure it is being used in a safe environment.
Slips and trips
Provide advice on how to minimise the risks of slips and trips[6] by keeping their work area clear of obstructions, spillages and trailing wires.
Ensure your workers know what to do in an emergency. Emergency procedures should include guidance on how and when home workers should contact you, including details of any emergency contact numbers.
Consider what you would do if you could not get in contact with a home worker, such as holding emergency contact details.
Lone working
There will risks for those with no direct supervision or anyone to help if things go wrong. There is guidance on lone working[7].
Reporting accidents for home workers
Not every incident in a person's home will be reportable. An incident may be reportable under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)[8] if it occurred as a result of:
- the work activity being done
- the equipment you have provided to carry out that work
HSE has produced guidance to help you decide what needs to be reported under RIDDOR[9].
You have the same responsibilities for home workers under RIDDOR as you do for anybody else.